
Horoscope PEOPLETALK for March 27 – April 2 for all signs of the zodiac

If you have been starting a new life for a long time, now is the time. And there are two good reasons for this. Firstly, spring makes itself felt, and secondly, today is Monday. Therefore, if you woke up with the desire to do something new, you should not postpone it.

In the spring, not only nature wakes up, we also wake up. Now that the day is getting longer and the sun is shining brighter and more often, you can start working with renewed vigor. We’re sure you’ve managed to figure out what needs to be changed in the first place so that chores don’t turn into Groundhog Day during the three months of winter. If you feel that nothing pleases you, add movement to your life: doing sports, walking in the fresh air will help to replenish the charge of positive emotions. By the way, this method has long been tested and approved by the editors of The Fashion Vibes.

Remember how you start the week. Therefore, try to protect yourself from unnecessary worries and conflict situations.

And if you do not know where to start, it is better to turn to the stars. Astrologer Alena Kokareva prepares a practical horoscope for our readers every week. He has already studied the location of the heavenly bodies and will tell you how to behave in the period from March 27 to April 2.

Read the forecast for all zodiac signs in this material!

Alena Kokareva, astrologer, astropsychologist





a lion









(21 March – 20 April)

This week should be spent relying on the mind, not the emotions. All of the most accurate and profitable decisions will now come from dry data and calculations. If you want to make the right and balanced choice, you will need to remember your skills in Excel. Emotions are also subject to logical evaluation: write down all the pros and cons of the relationship, and then everything will fall into place.


(April 21 – May 21)

The beginning of April is a great opportunity for changes in your personal life. Feel free to register on a dating site or invite a cute one of your friends for coffee on social networks. A romantic story that starts online is something that can offer unexpected perspectives.


(22 May – 21 June)

While the spring weather distracts your competitors, you must focus on your work. The more tasks and orders you now re-do from the authorities, the more important and enjoyable your reward will be. If the boss does not have time to fill you with tasks, then you need to request an important task yourself. Thus, you will not only show your professionalism, but also earn a plus in karma.


(22 June – 22 July)

How about being the girl who doesn’t want to decide anything? Browse the online catalogs of your favorite brands for spring inspiration. After all, a stylish time for change and successful experiments with the image. Start bringing something new into your life through your wardrobe, or better yet, consult a stylist.

a lion

(23 July – 21 August)

Focus on attracting cash flow. This week, Evren is ready to make almost instant transfers from its bank to your account. Do not be lazy and try to take advantage of even the smallest opportunity to earn money: do a favor for a chocolate bar or sell something unnecessary. Small successes will be followed by much larger sources of income.


(22 August – 23 September)

Relax and let things get out of control. The spring sun advises you not to linger at work. Devote your free time to interesting things: evening shopping with friends, a short meeting in a cafe with a new acquaintance from the social network or yoga classes. Give preference to personal life, and he will answer you in return.


(24 September – 23 October)

The worst thing you can do right now is argue with your boss. Even if the boss is nagging for no reason or is fundamentally wrong, just nod and do what he wants. Let your soul crumble with a sense of injustice, but in reality you will maintain contact with the boss. Your humility will pay off in time, and if you decide to be wise, you will end up in protracted conflict.


(24 October – 22 November)

This week you’ll want to quit your job and go out: shopping, change your hair, maybe even immortalize this spring with a tattoo. The stars advise you to get together and not rush. Not only can this little tantrum burn a big hole in the budget, it can also be completely useless. Keep Calm.


(23 November – 22 December)

Sagittarius will spend this week side by side with good luck. You may be lucky, especially in business or financial matters. Even if you receive a job or offer that is completely foreign to you, do not refuse it. This could be a chance to open new doors and hope.


(23 December – 20 January)

This week, the stars recommend focusing on yourself, as well as reducing the amount of work and business communication. Now the Universe wants to show you: the more you love and pamper yourself, the more easily other things will be resolved. Take this principle in your arsenal and allow yourself time to solve problems. You will see, your feminine energy will change circumstances almost effortlessly.


(21 January – 19 February)

The wind of change can blow in the direction of relationships and personal life. However, now is not the best time to try or try to get things in order. It is calmer and more familiar, more reliable. Postpone meetings with “unusual” new acquaintances, do not cause conflict with your partner. Your efforts to diversify the “boring” everyday life will not bring anything good.


(20 February – 20 March)

With real spring, it’s time to replace the boring winter colors with something light and fun. So, it’s time to update your wardrobe. Let you spend your budget on a little makeover. All the investments you make in the image will come back to you very soon and financially: in the form of a bonus, gift or a new relationship.

Source: People Talk

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