Article originally published on October 1, 2019
In France, 54,000 new cases of breast cancer are collected every year (data from the Oscar Lambert Center). These are the most common types of cancer in women, and even men are not spared, although they account for less than 1% of cases according to the National Cancer Institute.
Detecting breast cancer early in its development can facilitate treatment, but also limit the sequelae associated with certain treatments.
In addition to mammography (recommended every year from the age of 25 and which can be performed by a general practitioner, gynecologist or midwife) and mammography (to be performed every 2 years for people between the ages of 50 and 74 low to moderate risk years), thebreast self-examination can help with early diagnosis.
Some healthcare professionals question breast self-examination due to the potential for overdiagnosis and overtreatment.
However, according to Nasrine Callet, gynecologist-oncologist at the Curie Institute of Saint-Cloud, looking and touching one’s chest is important:
” Practicing self-examination allows you to realize an anomaly more quickly, and therefore to consult a doctor first.
At best, this consultation will reassure the patient, and at worst, it will detect breast cancer at an early stage, which will greatly facilitate its management.
It is possible that a “small” cancer will not evolve, but no test today allows us to say whether it will or not. It is therefore better to worry about it too soon than too late.. “
How to do a breast self-exam?
Breast self-examination takes place in two stages: first there is observation and then palpation. These two steps can be performed either sequentially or independently. As indicated by his name, observation aims to regularly examine the appearance of her breasts to get to know them well and to be able to detect changes more easily.
At the breast level, a change in shape or volume as well as the formation of a visible mass should prompt you to consult a doctor.
In terms of skin, the appearance of a persistent redness, dimple or “orange peel” appearance deserves to be shown to a healthcare professional.
Finally, at the nipple level, any change in appearance, or even a spontaneous discharge, must be taken seriously.
- For further : Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation Breast Observation Guide
What is breast self-examination?
After the observation comes theself-examination. This is an exam that uses the support of the fingers and hands, the purpose of which is to look for anomalies in terms of texture, mobility or sensitivity of the chest.
It’s an easy exercise to do alone in your bathroom, in front of a large mirror like in the shower (the soap helps your fingers glide over the skin).
The SOS Breast Cancer association recommends performing these gestures in the first part of the menstrual cycle, when the tissues are more flexible, or at a fixed date for postmenopausal women.
What are the steps for breast self-examination?
For palpation to be effective, the breasts should be examined from the armpit fossa to the center of the chest. Finger pressure must be firm in order to detect any unusual lump (often referred to as a “lump”) or callus. This examination can be performed standing, but also lying on the back: this position allows a better distribution of the breast tissue and facilitates screening.
The best known technique is called the “vertical method”: starting from the upper part of the armpit, the breast must be scanned from top to bottom, taking care not to leave out any area.
Another method, called “circular”, consists in palpating the breast by rotating it in a spiral with the fingers, from the armpits towards the nipples.
Whatever the technique used (you can also link the two), the examination must always end with a gentle pressure of the nipple to verify that there is no flow.
Photo credits on the cover: Klaus Nielsen
Source: Madmoizelle
Ashley Root is an author and celebrity journalist who writes for The Fashion Vibes. With a keen eye for all things celebrity, Ashley is always up-to-date on the latest gossip and trends in the world of entertainment.