
30% of women of childbearing age say they don’t want children

An IFOP survey conducted for Elle magazine reveals that 30% of women of childbearing age do not wish to have children.

An IFOP survey carried out for the magazine She revealed that 30% of women of childbearing age do not want children. While there are several reasons that can explain this decision, half of them simply think that they do not need to give birth to thrive, nor a desire to take on parental ties.

The consequences of the ecological crisis and patriarchy

Through this survey, the magazine She examined the reasons that led these 30% of women to withdraw from motherhood. The state of the world appears to be a serious deterrent. 39% of women mention ecological problems, 37% political and social crises and 35% overpopulation. Furthermore, 44% of women who declare themselves very ecological do not want children.

This study is also concerned with the beliefs and political side of these women. 48% of EELV supporters would declare themselves childless, as well as 39% of women who consider themselves very feminists, all political gangs combined. On the part of the conservative parties, however, an immense majority want to become mothers.

Elimination of the taboo around motherhood

This study highlights the consequences of the ecological crisis and patriarchy on women’s desire to reproduce. The more women are confronted with these problems, the more they are aware of the difficulties that will lead to a hypothetical motherhood. That today we know how alienating it can be.

Now aware that the injunction, ” This is happiness it is far from true, more and more women are realizing that their personal fulfillment does not necessarily involve becoming a mother. 43% of 15-24 year olds therefore declare that having a child “is not really necessary” for their well-being.

Hostile society and awareness of maternal reality, the reasons that lead more and more women to move away from motherhood are many and complex. Paradoxically, this 30% should be seen as the sign of a society that is (very) slowly changing and that allows everyone to make their own choices and follow their wishes. In the end.

Photo credit image of one: Stockfour

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Source: Madmoizelle

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