
Roskoshestvo told how to choose the right red caviar for the New Year

Roskoshestvo told how to choose the right red caviar for the New Year

The New Year is approaching, and one of the main attributes of the festive table is traditionally caviar. Roskachestvo deputy head Elena Saratseva told Moskovsky Komsomolets how not to make mistakes in choosing a delicacy.

Sandwiches with red caviar. Photo: Legion-media

According to him, 10 years ago 80 percent of caviar was fake, now this rate is 67 percent. These are products obtained from poachers, in inappropriate containers and of inadequate quality.

The expert recommends purchasing red caviar in glass jars so that you can see its presentation. Green cans with red inscriptions have proven themselves well. However, you need to pay attention to where the product is produced. It should be the Far East and Kamchatka.

There are also specific poutine periods when fish are caught and caviar is extracted. Therefore, the date on the packaging should be from May to October of the current year.

However, caviar is stored in plastic containers for a much shorter time. If you purchased red caviar in bulk or by weight, store the product in the freezer. Place it in the refrigerator a day before use. When purchasing caviar, you have the legal right to request a veterinary quality certificate from the seller.

We have previously written about what dishes should be on the New Year’s table for a successful year. Read here.

Source: People Talk

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