
Selena Gomez told how she brought a popular comedian to tears

Selena Gomez told how she brought a popular comedian to tears

A frame from the series “Murders in the Same Building”

Selena Gomez, who is regularly accused of acting unprofessionally, can even be extremely persuasive. The star of popular comedies experienced this firsthand.

Gomez said she usually has no problem recovering from the heavy emotions of any given scene, but there was one monologue in her career that left an impact on the actress and brought co-star Steve Martin to tears.

Together they starred in the crime comedy series called Murders in the Same Building. Selena said that the actress who played her mother on the big screen reminded her of her own mother. Moreover, the woman made an emotional monologue that brought Selena to tears.

“I cried so much I made Steve cry too. And “Are you okay?” he asked. And I thought: “I miss my mother!” —Variety quotes Selena.

Recently, Selena Gomez’s emotional reaction to her Golden Globe nomination emerged online. Selena posted the video on her blog.

Source: People Talk

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