
Karina Nigai condemned Lerchek for having an affair with married Nathan: details

Karina Nigai condemned Lerchek for having an affair with married Nathan: details

Karina Nigay talked about the scandalous love between Lerchek and Nathan in the program “Stars in the Forest”. The blogger expressed his position at the premiere of the film “Stars in Siberia”.

Karina Nigai

“Knowing that his wife would now, excuse me, be “rinsed”, they allowed him to behave this way in front of numerous cameras. Okay, in this matter the man is always on the winning side: he is the ladies’ man who has won the hearts of women. But actually why doesn’t anyone take women’s position here into account? Nigai said that she, an expectant mother and woman, had an affair with a married man all over the country.

The scandal began after Lerchek’s participation in the program “Stars in the Forest”. The public was confused about how she and Nathan acted on camera. Their passionate kiss caused a wave of criticism. Meanwhile, the musician raises two sons with his wife Anastasia Shvetsova. Lerchek has already admitted that she regrets her relationship with the rapper.

Before that, the presenter of the project, Olga Buzova, expressed her opinion about the scandalous couple.

Source: People Talk

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