Irina Bolgar published another series of posts in which the creator of Telegram said that she is the designer of almost all the clothes she wears now. The woman chose things that would reflect Durov’s character.
“Probably few people know that I am the designer of almost all the clothes that Pavel Durov wears in public appearances and interviews. I created an outfit design that, in my opinion, best reflects Pavel’s personality. Fashion design and interior decorating have always been my hobbies and creative interests,” said Bolgar.
He also noted that Durov shares many of his interests: “I introduced Pavel to yoga. She taught him to play the piano and he enjoyed the music of his favorite composer. Pavel also joined my passion for auto racing and became my regular passenger.”
The other day the couple became the main subject of the new episode of the Malakhov program on the Rossiya TV channel. The conversation began with the comment of Durov’s former press secretary, Georgy Lobushkin, who had previously actively spoken about the relationship between Irina and Pavel several times.
Source: People Talk
Mary Crossley is an author at “The Fashion Vibes”. She is a seasoned journalist who is dedicated to delivering the latest news to her readers. With a keen sense of what’s important, Mary covers a wide range of topics, from politics to lifestyle and everything in between.