Irina Bolgar, the mother of three heirs of Pavel Durov, reported that the Telegram founder was deprived of his children’s rights in Switzerland. According to the woman, she filed a lawsuit after the billionaire allegedly gave her an ultimatum.
“At the end of 2022, Pavel Durov gave me an ultimatum to force me to move to the UAE against my will. Durov blocked access to all the cards I have used for many years based on notarized permanent permissions, giving me the right to spend up to 150,000 euros (15.2 million rubles). Note.) per month. He also stopped paying bills that were usually paid directly from his bank accounts: education, travel, medical expenses, etc,” Bolgar explained on his personal blog.
Irina claims that Pavel refused to sign permits to renew European immigration documents and issue new ones for her and her children, but said that he would defend their rights. According to the woman, the businessman wanted to take away her opportunity to stay in Europe. Then Durov allegedly stopped communicating, and the whole family followed his example.
According to Bolgar, the billionaire forced her to seek help from the Geneva Court for the Protection of Children and Adults. The ministry launched an investigation. As Irina noted, the guardianship authorities repeatedly tried to contact Durov using all the contacts he provided, but there was no reaction.
Let us also remind that the entrepreneur’s mother of three children had previously accused him of violence against her son. She wrote the statement in March 2023, immediately after Durov stopped paying alimony.
Source: People Talk
Mary Crossley is an author at “The Fashion Vibes”. She is a seasoned journalist who is dedicated to delivering the latest news to her readers. With a keen sense of what’s important, Mary covers a wide range of topics, from politics to lifestyle and everything in between.