“Svetina’s archives”: Bondarchuk shared cute photos with children

“Svetina’s archives”: Bondarchuk shared cute photos with children

The 55-year-old TV presenter is the mother of many children. Svetlana has two children from her first marriage with Fyodor Bondarchuk. Son Sergei was born in 1991, and daughter Varvara was born in 1999. The director and the model were married for 25 years. The celebrity married designer and businessman Sergei Kharchenko in 2020, and three years later the surrogate mother gave birth to the couple’s son Peter.

Svetlana Bondarchuk. Photo: social networks

Svetlana Bondarchuk showed archive footage of all three children in her microblog. The presenter touchingly signed them “Sveta’s archives.” In the photos, the star’s heirs and himself were taken at different times. But the TV personality is literally glowing with happiness everywhere.

Svetlana Bondarchuk with her daughter Varvara.  Photo: social networks
Svetlana Bondarchuk with her daughter Varvara. Photo: social networks

Sergei and Varvara Bondarchuk.  Photo: social networks
Sergei and Varvara Bondarchuk. Photo: social networks

Svetlana Bondarchuk with her son Petya.  Photo: social networks
Svetlana Bondarchuk with her son Petya. Photo: social networks

It is worth noting that Sergei continued the dynasty and made his debut as an actor in the series “The Thaw”, where he played his grandfather, a famous Soviet director. Bondarchuk Jr. in 2020 He became a producer and together with the team created the series “Psycho”, “Actresses”, “Ballet” and others.

Varvara lived abroad for some time. Later, information emerged that he returned to Russia and is now allegedly at his father’s house.

Earlier, Svetlana Bondarchuk explained why she could not leave her ex-husband. In September 2019, the director married actress Paulina Andreeva, whom he started dating in 2015. And three years ago the couple had a son named Ivan.

Source: People Talk

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