“It was urgent. It was serious,” Lorie confides of her ectopic pregnancy that nearly cost her her life

“It was urgent.  It was serious,” Lorie confides of her ectopic pregnancy that nearly cost her her life

In his new book “ Relive » published on March 21, Lorie returns to this experience that almost cost her her life and which made her become aware of her endometriosis.

It was urgent. He was serious. He was serious. » It is with these words that in his new work RelivePublished on March 21, actress and singer Lorie Pester testified about her ectopic pregnancy, which made her aware of her endometriosis, as reported 20 minutes.

An operation that almost cost him his life

In 2015. Lorie Pester is pregnant and doesn’t yet know she has an ectopic pregnancy. Her gynecologist suggests she rest at home for a few days. But the actress suffers for it intense pain which only increase over time. Ending with weak, was transported to the emergency room and underwent an operation that revealed internal bleeding. An operation that almost cost him his life, as Lorie testifies in his work.

It was precisely at the end of this surgery that the singer heard for the first time about endometriosis, which in reality she had been suffering from for several years. According to doctors, the disease could be the cause of her ectopic pregnancy, women with endometriosis have a higher risk of developing it.

To combat chronic pain, Lorie underwent a hysterectomy

In an Instagram post announcing the release of ReliveLorie Pester explains: “ Initially, my body and I were complicit, but as the years passed, daily pain crept in, increasingly intense (…) The verdict is: endometriosis and adenomyosis. »

It is certainly not the first time that Lorie Pester, who has been speaking openly on the topic for years, talks about the health problems caused by this gynecological disease. Furthermore, she recently revealed that she had made the “difficult” decision to undergo a hysterectomy, that is, the removal of the uterus, the only solution for her to put an end to the chronic pain caused by the disease.

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Source: Madmoizelle

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