Released on July 19, Barbie has established itself as one of the biggest cinematic hits of 2023, continuing to break records, making Greta Gerwing the first director to reach $1 billion at the box office. A success due above all to the performance of Margot Robbie, critically acclaimed.
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However, the latter, also a producer of the feature film, was far from being the first choice to play the stereotypical doll.
Indeed, a long road has been traveled to find THE perfect Barbie. To do this we have to go back to 2016. At the time, when Sony/Columbia was still responsible for production, it was Amy Schumerat the height of her career, she was supposed to star in a satirical version of Barbie’s world.
Gal Gadot, “Barbie’s energy” according to Margot Robbie
But the studio was under a countdown clock: If Sony/Columbia didn’t start shooting in early 2018, Mattel would get the rights to the film back. The search for a new Barbie had begun.
WhileAnne Hathaway It was briefly suggested that when Margot Robbie came to the helm of the production, the choice fell squarely on her Gal Gadot. “It’s Barbie’s energy”according to Margot Robbie.
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Unfortunately, a programming problem made collaboration impossible. But Gadot has become « Barbie’s energy barometer » according to the terms of Margot Robbie. In the end it was the intervention of Greta Gerwig, the film’s director, that convinced Margot Robbie accept the role, creating the character tailored to the actress while writing the screenplay.
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Source: Madmoizelle
Mary Crossley is an author at “The Fashion Vibes”. She is a seasoned journalist who is dedicated to delivering the latest news to her readers. With a keen sense of what’s important, Mary covers a wide range of topics, from politics to lifestyle and everything in between.