According to Ofcom, around three quarters of young Britons have now used a generative AI tool.
The regulator’s annual Online Nations report found that 74% of 16- to 24-year-olds online have tried Open AI’s ChatGPT, Snapchat My KI or Google Bard.
This figure is even higher among teenagers: four fifths have used generative AI tools and services. Almost a third of all adults have already used these tools.
Popular reasons for using ChatGPT that have come to the fore and dominated discourse in recent years include “a desire to chat or explore technology”, use for fun, or to support learning.
British internet users were also aware of the dangers of AI: 58% were concerned about its future impact on society. Ofcom says some tech companies are developing tools that fall within the scope of new online security laws. “We will therefore look at how these companies proactively assess the security risks of their products and take effective measures to protect users from potential harm.”
AI has been a major topic of discussion in the television and film industry over the past year, and the issue has been a major sticking point in strike negotiations between writers and actors.
“It’s natural for Generation Z to quickly keep up with new technology, and generative AI is no exception,” said Yih-Choung Teh, director of strategy and research at Ofcom. “As children and teens drive early use, we’re also seeing older Internet users explore the potential for work and play.”
Open AI’s ChatGPT was by far the most used tool in the country, attracting 3.4 million adults in the UK at its peak. The investigation came after the company was rocked by the ouster and rapid reinstatement of founder and AI expert Sam Altman. ChatGPT was followed by Snapchat My AI and then Bing Chat, with Google’s Bard slightly behind, according to Ofcom’s rankings.
Ofcom research also found that YouTube was visited more by UK adults than Facebook last year, knocking Mark Zuckerberg’s platform out of the top spot.
Source: Deadline

Elizabeth Cabrera is an author and journalist who writes for The Fashion Vibes. With a talent for staying up-to-date on the latest news and trends, Elizabeth is dedicated to delivering informative and engaging articles that keep readers informed on the latest developments.