
At what time of the day should you not look in the mirror?

At what time of the day should you not look in the mirror?

Be sure that the mirror is the most mystical piece of furniture in your home. So don’t be surprised to find out that there are some unexplained limitations associated with it. We tell you when and why you shouldn’t look in the mirror.

At what time of the day should you not look in the mirror?
A frame from the movie “Eye”

At what times should you not look in the mirror?

Several centuries ago, a superstition arose that at night an entrance to the other world opens through a mirror. Therefore, when you look in the mirror at night, you are likely to see ghosts or other evil spirits.

Why can’t we look in the mirror together?

Another sign indicates that if two girls or two boys look in the mirror at the same time, they may fall in love with the same person in the future. And as you understand, this will not lead to anything good. Then everything might turn out to make these two hate each other.

Why don’t you look in a crooked and broken mirror?

This can negatively affect one’s destiny, as a crooked mirror gives a distorted image of one’s appearance. The broken one takes away the energy of the person looking at it. By the way, you should not keep broken or chipped items at home.

Source: People Talk

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