
What is the money code and how to learn it?

What is the money code and how to learn it?

A new method of attracting finances to life has gone viral. More and more people started calculating money codes to change the flow of finance. We tell you how to do this and what to expect after use.

A still from the movie: “After: Part 3”

First, add up all the digits of your birth date. For example, you were born on February 24, 1995. First add 2+4, then 0+2, then 1+9+9+5. Reduce the end result to a simple conclusion. So 24 – 2+4+6.

Then add up all the resulting numbers. In the above example it will look like this: 6+2+6= 14. Accordingly, we get a combination of the numbers 62614. This is the money code.

What to do with it?

A frame from the movie: “We Meet”

There are several popular ways to activate a person’s financial flows thanks to the money code. But the main thing that unites them all is their constant application in life.

For example, you can put this number combination in your phone or computer password. Or write this code on a piece of paper and put it in your wallet.

Some read this code to themselves constantly, some even get its image tattooed.

Source: People Talk

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