Endometriosis strikes France one in ten women. This causes, among other things, very painful periods and, for some women, requires long and particularly expensive treatments.
But there is still no law that considers it a long-term illness, although numerous proposals have been presented. Like that of the deputy Clementina Autain, who, in January 2022, had proposed a bill aimed at recognizing endometriosis as such. Although voted unanimously, this proposal was never implemented by the government.
Read also: Contrary to popular belief 1 in 2 French womenno, Marine Le Pen is not a feminist
But in the full desire to demonize, the National Group has also decided to propose a law so that endometriosis is recognized as a long-term pathology. The text aimed to guarantee affected women a specific status, better coverage of medical expenses, as well as allowing those who wish to benefit from the status of disabled worker.
But finally the Navy took of his text on Thursday 12 October, shortly before the final vote, knowing that it would still be rejected by the entire National Assembly. As the debate escalated rapidly, the far-right party was accused (rightly) of pursuing a political recovery of women’s rights and of being anti-feminist.
During the debates, many deputies wanted to recall the primacy of the National Grouping in terms of women’s rights. Starting with Marine Le Pen’s comment in 2012 on “ comfort abortions » that he wanted « defunding “. Or the fact that the party wants to abolish the Ministry of Women’s Rights if it comes to power, since apparently we don’t need it.
In addition to the bill on endometriosis, the National Group also withdrew another text, aimed at suspending or eliminating allowances for parents of children deemed delinquent. A measure that would penalize many mothers. Another very feminist idea.
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Source: Madmoizelle
Mary Crossley is an author at “The Fashion Vibes”. She is a seasoned journalist who is dedicated to delivering the latest news to her readers. With a keen sense of what’s important, Mary covers a wide range of topics, from politics to lifestyle and everything in between.