
Stars of “Star Factory” Natalya Podolskaya and Alexander Panayotov reunited after 20 years

Stars of “Star Factory” Natalya Podolskaya and Alexander Panayotov reunited after 20 years

Natalya Podolskaya gained popularity thanks to the “Star Factory”. After the completion of the project, the singer won the Eurovision qualifying round and took 15th place, performing the song Nobody Hurt Anyone. The celebrity posted a photo from the past.

The star shared a photo with another “Factory” participant, Alexander Panaytov. The photo was taken in 2004. The other day they performed together at one of the concerts in Moscow.

Have you changed much? Vote in our poll! And here you can find out what happened to the participants of the fifth “Star Factory”.

Let us remind you that Natalya Podolskaya is now happily married to Vladimir Presnyakov. They became husband and wife in 2010. “Vova and I were very lucky to meet. This is when the two halves find each other and bond. I can’t even imagine what would have happened if we hadn’t met. Our feelings are getting stronger over the years,” the singer previously admitted. In 2015, their sons Artemy were born, and in 2020 Ivan was born.

Natalya Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov

Source: People Talk

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