
Centenarian who played golf until she was 86 shares her tips for living to 100

Centenarian who played golf until she was 86 shares her tips for living to 100

A centenarian who celebrated her 102nd birthday this month says staying active and having younger friends is the key to a long life.

Janet Gibbs lives on Allity Claremont Terrace in Bolton Clark, a retirement community in Australia.

Centenarians are people who live to be at least 100 years old. Her habits broadly include eating healthy, exercising as part of her daily routine and spending time with friends and family.

Gibbs follows all these customs and relations An interview with Bolton Clark that she has always loved athletics.

“I have always been hyperactive. “I enjoyed sports such as golf, bowling, tennis and hockey and driving around St Kilda with my friends,” she said.

Janet Gibbs (102) celebrated her birthday earlier this month at her home on Allity Claremont Terrace in the Bolton Clark retirement community in Australia.

Gibbs was born in New Zealand in November 1921 and moved to Australia at the age of three.

She eventually became a nurse at 17, went to night school at 28 and lived for a while in Great Britain with her husband and three sons.

She finally started playing golf at the age of 30 and continued to play until she was 86 years old.

In her interview with Bolton Clark, Gibbs explained: “I played golf at the Patterson River Golf Club until I was 86, then I started competing in lawn tennis. I think you need a sport.”

In addition to having a positive attitude, Gibbs told Insider that the most important advice for people who want to live a long life is to “just be happy.”

Gibbs believes that things other than happiness are essential to longevity.

The former golfer believes everyone should exercise and says “exercise is important” when it comes to living longer.

“Even today, at my age, my goal is to walk six times in the garden every morning and afternoon, a walk around the corner with lifestyle friends,” she said during her interview with Bolton Clark.

She remembers one birthday when her late husband, friends and family went out to eat together, which she ate

She remembers one birthday when her late husband, friends and family went out to eat together, which she described as “pretty exciting”.

Researchers also believe this to be true, according to statistics published on February 28 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

They found that people who exercised at least 75 minutes a week had a lower risk of death, heart disease, stroke and various forms of cancer.

Spending time with friends and family also contributes to Gibbs’ longevity, especially with people ten years younger who help her stay young.

One of these occasions was a non-fancy birthday dinner with her husband, friends and family.

“I remember when my husband was alive, our family had a birthday dinner with family, friends and I, which was quite exciting,” she recalled in her interview with Bolton Clark.

In her spare time, she continues to socialize with residents in her community by playing bowling, which keeps her active and on her toes.

Gibbs believes that spending time with friends and family is important to longevity and stays active in her community through bowling.

Gibbs believes that spending time with friends and family is important to longevity and stays active in her community through bowling.

In addition to being active and spending time with friends or family, Gibbs also eats a healthy diet, but she doesn’t specify what type of diet it is.

Many centenarians eat a high-fiber, high-carbohydrate diet with vegetables and whole foods.

One of the healthiest diets that can help a person live longer is the Mediterranean diet, which includes whole foods, vegetables and olive oil.

Gibbs says it’s important that people also make sure their bodies and minds are active.

She told Insider she keeps her brain active by reading audiobooks on her iPad.

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