It seems Gal Gadot is returning to Fast & Furious franchise with Fast X. Gadot made her big screen debut in Quick five playing the character Gisele Yashar. She has also appeared in Fast and Furious 6 where she apparently died on screen while trying to save her boyfriend, Han Lue (Sung Kang).
The news comes from The Direct, but there are no specific details about Gadot’s role in Fast X. Now, she could come back in a flashback scene, or they could bring her back to life, which wouldn’t be a first for a Fast and Furious character. Han was also killed, but he recently returned Fast 9.
It will be interesting to see how they handle the return of Gal Gadot’s character.
Louis Letterier he is directing the next film that follows Justin Lindays out of production, from the screenplay by Lin and Dan Mazeau. The plot of the tenth film has not yet been revealed, but Fast X will hit theaters in 2023.
The cast of the film also includes Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Tirese Gibson, Jason Momoa, Charlize Theron, Brie Larson, Alan Ritchson, Emanuel Natalie, Michael Rocker, Daniela Melchior, Jordan Brewster, Ludacri, Scott Eastwoodand Cardi B.
by Joey Paur
Source: Geek Tyrant
Bernice Bonaparte is an author and entertainment journalist who writes for The Fashion Vibes. With a passion for pop culture and a talent for staying up-to-date on the latest entertainment news, Bernice has become a trusted source for information on the entertainment industry.