
Netflix needs to rethink its release method for “The Sandman 2”

Netflix needs to rethink its release method for “The Sandman 2”

Netflix needs to rethink its release method for “The Sandman 2”Netflix needs to rethink its release method for “The Sandman 2”

Netflix needs to rethink its release method for “The Sandman 2” – Netflix (courtesy)

The binge-watching It’s a way that Netflix has measured the success of its original films and series, and by which it relies on whether a production is worthy of continuing with new seasons, or if, on the contrary, it should be canceled immediately. . The new episodes of ‘The Sandman’ have suffered from this method of releasing the company, which now has to change.

This year the painting was one of the best moments for the return of the most popular fantasy series in the world. ‘The Witcher’, ‘House of Dragon’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power’, are some of the examples that would bring the genre back to the pinnacle of popularity, and for the jewel in the crown, “The Sandman “, would lead the movement.

And even if it came even earlier and without competition from those mentioned above, ‘The man of sand’ it was a mixed critical successincluding those who mentioned that much more was needed to at least match Neil Gaiman’s masterpiece, those who loved every second of Morpheus’s story, and others who couldn’t stand it beyond the first episode.

For tastes, colors, but apart from that, the numbers of ‘The man of sand’ on Netflix they were pretty positive, managing to position itself in the world Top 10 of the most followed on the platform in more than 80 countries. And, even so, the news of the second season has been waiting for more than two months, and there doesn’t seem to be any sign of an upcoming announcement, despite rumors that Neil Gaiman and the production are already working on the new episodes. .

Why the binge-watching should disappear from netflix?

And for this ‘The man of sand’ It is just the latest victim of the binge-watchingNeil Gaiman also put in an effort on his Twitter account to explain how this preview method is hurting not only his series, but also the rest of the company’s original productions, which compete with each other not only to get a spot in the Top 10. , but to be the queen of the top.

Before proceeding, the binge-watching is a preview method where Netflix, or any other streaming platform, publishes all the episodes of the season on the same day. This is a practice that, in theory, seems harmless, and it is, since users can enjoy their favorite series on the same day and in full. But the question is what it represents for the company.

And it is that, in the words of Neil Gaiman himself, Netflix analyzes the progress of its productions based on the hours played of each series or film. All good so far, however, what has value for the company are the minutes played continuously, or a new job fails if users do not see it from start to finish the first time they see it and reproduce it.

This is related to the method binge-watchingWell, once Netflix decides to launch a new production, it’s bound to hook viewers from start to finish. Precisely for this reason, practices such as dealing with a film or a series, based on algorithms, or statistics of what likes or works in each genre, are carried out to create a product that amuses them from start to finish. Among many other negative things that come with it.

By Jorge Ruiz

Source: Nacion Flix

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