
The real Rita Isbell from “Dahmer” is mad at Netflix for recreating this scene with the killer

La verdadera Rita Isabelle de ‘Dahmer’ está molesta con Netflix por recrear la escena con el asesinoThe real Rita Isabelle from

The real Rita Isabelle from “Dahmer” is mad at Netflix for recreating the scene with the killer – Flix Nation (Special)

While the miniseries’Dahmer’becomes a Netflix mega-hit, not everyone is happy that the streaming giant is resurrecting the crimes of one of the most famous serial killers in history, and for her part Rita Isbell has expressed annoyance for the program starring Evan Peters, especially with the moment in which a moment that she has lived is recreated.

In one of the last chapters of ‘Dahmer’, while the serial killer is on trial, the relatives of the victims have the opportunity to take a stand and prove, something that the real Rita Isbell, sister of Errol Lindseytook the opportunity to show the criminal what it really means to lose control, as at that moment there was talk of the possibility that the criminal had committed the murders due to a psychiatric illness that would have left him free from guilt.

This moment was recorded in court and the tape is in the public domain, so the Netflix production took it upon themselves to recreate it in detail, which sparked the anger of the real Rita Isbell, who in an essay published by Insiderhas spoken out against this popular miniseries on the streaming platform.

When I saw that part of the show, it annoyed me, especially when I saw myself, when I saw my name on the screen and this lady saying word for word exactly what I said. “

Rita Isbell assures that seeing this representation on the screen “brought back all the emotions I felt at that moment” in consideration of the fact that It is an exact recreation of that moment over 30 years ago., also making sure that this was the only chapter he saw: “I haven’t seen the whole program. I don’t need to see it. I have lived it. I know exactly what happened. “

Netflix hasn’t contacted Jeffrey Dahmer’s victims

In the story of ‘Dahmer’, not only tries to show the serial killer’s past, but also focuses on showing everyone around him, especially the families of the victims, however, the production never contacted the relatives, who discovered this miniseries at the same. time like the rest of the audience.

In this same essay in which Rita Isbell says she is angry about the show, she also confessed that the streaming platform never contacted her, not even to tell her that it would recreate the moment she came face to face with the killer of his brother Errol Lindsey.

I feel like Netflix should have asked us if we cared or how we felt about doing it. They didn’t ask me for anything. They just did it. “

The victim’s sister instead declared: “I’m not hungry for money, and that’s what this program is about, Netflix trying to get paid”, making it clear that he has left the past behind and has no intention of reliving the tragedy Jeffrey Dahmer welcomed his family in the early 1990s, when he was eventually captured and thrown in prison for life.

By Jared Solis

Source: Nacion Flix

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