
What’s going on with THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD? Andy Muschietti and James Gunn talked at length

What’s going on with THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD? Andy Muschietti and James Gunn talked at length

DC fans seem to be interested in updates on The brave and the boldthe Batman movie set to introduce the Dark Knight and Robin James Gunnit’s the new DC universe.

However, recent comments from the director Andy Muschietti suggest that all may not be smooth sailing behind the scenes.

Muschietti, who previously directed The Flashhe recently told fans The brave and the bold was “delayed a bit” and hinted: “I might make another movie first.”

This statement quickly raised eyebrows, prompting Gunn to respond when a fan asked about the delay on social media. Gunn clarified: “The brave and the bold it wasn’t delayed, so I’m not sure what you’re talking about.

This apparent miscommunication highlights a lack of communication between the director and DC Studios leadership.

In a recent interview, Muschietti revealed that despite being announced as the director of The brave and the boldhe hasn’t spoken to Gunn in almost a year.

He explained: “I’ve had conversations with James Gunn about the concept of the story, but we haven’t spoken since before Superman started filming.”

Considering this Superman began filming in February 2024, meaning the two haven’t linked up for almost a year, which seems strange for one of DC’s biggest projects.

Muschietti’s statements have sparked speculation that he is still firmly attached to the film. He addressed this topic, saying:

“As for my involvement in the project, for now there are good intentions. They want to make the film with me, and I want to make it too. I’m looking forward to working on the film. We’re talking about the story and the tone.”

While this sounds promising, phrases like “good intentions for now” suggest some uncertainty about Muschietti’s end.

The timing and strategy surrounding DC’s Batman films also adds some complexity. With Matt Reeves’ Batman Part II should arrive in cinemas in 2027, Muschietti admitted:

“Releasing two Batman movies at the same time would be counterproductive. What DC is doing is creating a strategy to ensure that these two films don’t conflict with each other.

Even though Gunn and Reeves have made it clear that Robert Pattinson’s Batman exists outside of the DC Universe, we still don’t know the exact direction for The brave and the bold.

One thing is for sure, the prolonged silence between Muschietti and Gunn raises questions about the film’s progress… or lack thereof. The two talents should probably talk and get on the same page.

by Joey Paur
Source: Geek Tyrant

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