
Trailer for Kerry Washington’s Netflix WWII drama THE SIX TRIPLE EIGHT

Trailer for Kerry Washington’s Netflix WWII drama THE SIX TRIPLE EIGHT

Netflix has released a new trailer for Tyler Perrythe next Netflix film about World War II The Six Triple Eights. The film is inspired by the first and only black unit of the Women’s Army Corps to serve overseas during World War II.

This film tells the interesting story of the 855 women who joined the war effort to make up for the 3-year delay of undelivered mail. “Despite facing racism and sexism – and grueling working conditions – they are committed to serving their country with honor and distinction.

“Assigned to an extraordinary mission, united in determination, these unsung heroes brought hope and broke barriers.” They ultimately sorted more than 17 million emails in advance.

The film was written and directed by Perry, the film’s star Kerry Washington as Major Charity Adams, the chief officer of the 6888th Central Postal List Battalion.

The rest of the cast includes Ebony obsidian, Milauna Jackson, Kylie Jefferson, Shanice Shantay, Sarah Jeffrey, Pepi Sonuga, Moria Brown, Jeanté Godlockwith Susan Sarandon, Dean NorrisAND Sam WaterstonAND Oprah Winfrey.

The film Six Triple Eight will be released on Netflix starting December 20, 2024.

by Joey Paur
Source: Geek Tyrant

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