A new STAR WARS story released on Audible focuses on Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi

A new STAR WARS story released on Audible focuses on Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi

Lucasfilm has released a new Star Wars story on Audible, and focuses on Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi following the events of Star Wars: The Phantom MenaceIt’s called Star Wars: Padawan’s Pride.

The project was written by Small Villa writer by Bryan Q. Miller and the story is told by Kevin Kemp. Star Wars: Padawan’s Pride It was released without any warning or marketing.

The story lasts four hours and this is the summary: “The Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker are the protagonists of this exciting galactic adventure set three years after the events of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

“When a Republic spy disappears on the Moons of Varl, the Jedi Council asks Obi-Wan and Anakin to infiltrate an underground podracing circuit run by a crime boss believed to be holding the spy captive.

“With Anakin posing as a master pilot and Obi-Wan as his steward, tensions between the two threaten to escalate even further than usual.

“But when Obi-Wan is forced to abandon Varl, Anakin finds himself alone in a series of increasingly dangerous races that will determine his fate—and that of the spy.

“Master and apprentice must use all their Jedi skills in this action-packed tale of fierce competition, deadly deception and, ultimately, what it means to be a Padawan.”

This looks like a lot of fun and I will definitely give it a listen!

You can listen to the story here.

by Joey Fear
Source: Geek Tyrant

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