Trailer for Marvel’s WHAT IF…? The second season animated series has some holiday fun

Trailer for Marvel’s WHAT IF…?  The second season animated series has some holiday fun

Marvel Studios has released a new trailer for What if…? Season 2 and the holidays have some fun! The trailer begins with a silly take on “The 12 Days of Christmas,” teasing aspects of the new season like “12 Hulks a-smashing,” “11 Howards quacking,” “10 Rings a Glowing,” “9 New Episodes” and Lots of fun, action-packed footage that will thrill fans!

In What if…? Season 2, “The Watcher continues the journey as our guide across the vast multiverse, introducing new and familiar faces throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The animated anthology series questions, revisits and twists classic Marvel cinematic moments with an incredible voice cast that includes an array of stars reprising their iconic roles.”

It seems like people who have already seen the first two episodes of the series enjoyed it! The series will include stories for Hela, Captain Carter, Scarlet Witch, Iron Man, Black Widow, Doctor Strange, Nebula, Peter Quill and more. There’s also a first look at new Native American character Kahhori in action.

Season two will premiere on Disney+ on December 22. The series consists of nine episodes and a new one will be released every day. Watch the new trailer!

Director Bryan Andrews We previously talked about the new season, teasing that it will become much wackier and wilder than the first season:

“Obviously more unique stories that slowly get a little wilder. In the first season Kevin wanted to keep it a little closer to the vest, have one little thing that was different and that little thing made these things different, but still remained very tied to a moment in films or to a particular film itself.

“Now there’s more movies and things to draw from, so we don’t have to just have one little moment. We can branch out and things can get a little wackier. We take it up a notch in season two and then season two. Three, Let’s get even wackier. In Season 2, we’ll get several characters we’ve never had the chance to play with before and we’ll see how they fit in with some returning favorites. There’s a lot of really great stuff and I can’t wait for the people see it.”

There’s no doubt it will be fun. We also have a list of episode titles, and they offer a preview of what the season will entail:

Episode 201: What if… Nebula joined the Nova Corps?

Episode 202: What if… Peter Quill attacked Earth’s Mightiest Heroes?

Episode 203: What if… Kahhori reshaped the world?

Episode 204: What if… Hela found the ten rings?

Episode 205: What if… Iron Man crashed into the Grandmaster?

Episode 206: What if… happy Hogan saved Christmas?

Episode 208: What if… Captain Carter fought the Hydra Stomper?

Episode 209: What if… the Avengers reunited in 1602?

Episode 210: What if… the strange supreme intervened?

A synopsis was previously released for “What If… Kahhori Reshape the World?” and we read: “What if…? asks what would happen if the Tesseract fell to Earth and landed in the sovereign Haudenosaunee Confederacy before the colonization of America. The Tesseract takes on a new life and a new mythology, transforming a lake into a gateway to the stars and guiding Kahhori, a young Mohawk woman, on a quest to discover her power.”

Details have also been released for Hela’s episode, which features the return of Cate Blanchett. That story involves the villain acquiring the Ten Rings from Marvel’s martial arts film Shang-Chi. As for how Hela’s story will play out, insider CWGST offered some insight into the matter, saying that Hela will be “banished from Asgard like in Thor: Ragnarök.” But instead of being imprisoned in Hel, she finds herself accepted by Ta-Lo. and their inhabitants, learning their martial arts. Odin will invade and war will break out between Asgard and Ta-Lo. Hela’s armor will be all white instead of black and green.

by Joey Paur
Source: Geek Tyrant

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