In 2019, one of the most important milestones within the Star Wars cinematic universe began, as it was the year in which ‘The Mandalorian’ premiered, a series that has been so successful that it already has several productions set in its era within the chronology of this franchise, a story that is about to reveal its own main villain, Grand Admiral Thrawn.
Throughout the three seasons of “The Mandalorian,” fans watched as Din Djarin and Grogu had to flee and face the dreaded Moff Gideon, a character brilliantly portrayed by Giancarlo Esposito in this Disney+ series, however, director Dave Filoni has confirmed that this villain is not the main rival within the stage that this online spin off from Star Wars addresses.
We must not forget that, thatThe Mandalorian’ is set after the events of the 1983 film ‘Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi’, i.e. immediately after the fall of the galactic empire, a phase in which Grand Admiral Thrawn Wields much power within the remnants of the fallen empire.
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This villain is the main villain of the animated series ‘Star Wars: Rebels’, which takes place right in the era of the rebellion, before the fall of the galactic empire, so he is a character who did not make his live action debut, though, To be ‘Ahsoka’ the production showing Grand Admiral Thrawn in live action for the first time.
Once this character appears in the new series starring Rosario Dawson, ‘Ahsoka’, fans will witness the introduction of the main villain of the era.”The Mandalorian’, a phase within the franchise of Star Wars which will also have its own film, which will be connected to the aforementioned Disney+ spin-off.
Thrawn arrives in ‘Ahoksa’
It is important to note, but that ‘Ahoksa’ is the Star Wars production that will arrive in the second half of 2023 to the Disney+ catalog, since it has been confirmed to be released in August this year, however, they do not have a specific date for its premiere, but it is expected that in the middle of the aforementioned month this title will debut and present at the great villain of the era ‘The Mandalorian’.
Likewise, “The Mandalorian” already has a confirmed fourth season, which does not yet have a release date, but it is likely that it will be incorporated into the Disney+ streaming service for next year, however, the aforementioned film which will be set in the time of these characters, does not even have an official release date, but will arrive after the new chapter in the series starring Pedro Pascal, a title in which we will probably see the clash final against Grand Admiral Thrawn.
By Orlando Medina
Source: Nacion Flix
Lloyd Grunewald is an author at “The Fashion Vibes”. He is a talented writer who focuses on bringing the latest entertainment-related news to his readers. With a deep understanding of the entertainment industry and a passion for writing, Lloyd delivers engaging articles that keep his readers informed and entertained.