These 10 Supernatural Twists Still Shock Us (and Not in a Good Way)

These 10 Supernatural Twists Still Shock Us (and Not in a Good Way)

Ready for some nostalgia (with a little cringe flavor)?

Supernatural is a true milestone in television history, no matter how you feel about the show. Even fans admit some of its obvious shortcomings: length, tendency to repeat itself, pointless deaths of the main characters… But the story of Sam and Dean Winchester lived on for 15 years for a reason: fans loved it despite everything.

But still, these 10 plot twists still haunt us – in the worst sense of those words.

These 10 Supernatural Twists Still Shock Us (and Not in a Good Way)

Many fans (and we are no exception) still believe that Supernatural should have ended with the fifth season, and not with fifteen, which should have combined resurrections and apocalypses. The series was intended to last five seasons by creator Eric Kripke, and after this season many noticed that the quality of the script began to decline.

But even today, rumors are swirling that Supernatural may be revived for a sixteenth season. Of course, these rumors have yet to be officially confirmed, although Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, who played Dean and Sam, never tire of teasing fans with vague promises.

Plus, Kripke, currently working on the TV series “The Boys,” has already effectively recreated the cast of “Supernatural” in his dark superhero universe. The only thing missing is Jared Padalecki, but we think that’s an easy fix.

Source: Popcorn News

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