
This episode of Supernatural caused a lot of controversy, but Padalecki calls it his ‘favorite’

This episode of Supernatural caused a lot of controversy, but Padalecki calls it his ‘favorite’

This episode of Supernatural caused a lot of controversy, but Padalecki calls it his ‘favorite’

Something bad happens to Dean.

Supernatural has almost as many episodes as there are days in the year, so there’s something for everyone.

And just one of them became the most talked about in the show’s history, as it nearly enraged the entire fandom.

Except for Jared Padalecki.

This episode of Supernatural caused a lot of controversy, but Padalecki calls it his ‘favorite’

For the actor, the episode in question is his favorite. Maybe because his hero finally got his happily ever after, but he chose definitive.

“I love all my children equally, but this one is my favorite,” Jared couldn’t help but joke.

This is because, as he explained in a conversation with journalists, the end of the series became the finest hour for the Winchester brothers, even if not everyone agrees with his opinion.

But they disagree, especially fans of Dean, who died in a less heroic manner in a battle with vampires.

Viewers still can’t come to terms with the fact that the hunter, who fought back against Lucifer, the Leviathans, Darkness and even God himself, was killed by a pin sticking out of a pillar.

Sam lived a long life with a nameless wife and son, whom he named after his older brother, and died in a comfortable bed, as an ordinary human being.

Interestingly, Padalecki’s personal peak was previously topped by another series – and the audience loves it.

This “Error in French”released in February 2011, is a love letter to the project and everyone involved in its creation.

Source: Popcorn News

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