Jo Koy was heavily criticized after his turn as host at last night’s Golden Globes. After the ceremony Sunday evening The view discussed the show in the “Hot Topics” segment, with Whoopi Goldberg and Sara Haines defending the comedian’s talents.
Although Goldberg said she did not see the awards ceremony, she made a comment based on her experiences hosting such events.
“These hosting gigs are brutal,” Goldberg said. “If you don’t know the space, if you’ve never been in those spaces and you’re pushed there, it’s a relief.”
Goldberg continued: “I love Jo Koy, he drives me crazy because he’s funny. I don’t know if it was the room, I don’t know if it was the jokes, I couldn’t see it. But I know he’s as good as it gets in stand-up, and it’s not an easy gig.
The “ABC Daytime” talk show host reminded her fellow co-hosts, “If you read the reviews of some of my gigs where they wanted me in the cornfields, it’s not an easy gig.”
Ana Navarro jumped in and said she had seen the movie Golden Globes and said Koy “wasn’t funny to me.”
Haines chimed in, saying she loves the comedian and is “nervous about him because I find him so funny.” However, she said she was more bothered by people not having a sense of humor about Koy’s jokes on stage.
“We must protect these national treasures we call our comedians, because life needs them. We need to stop tying them down [and] to fence them in,” Haines continued. “Jo Koy beats in this room.” No one has pity. Just laugh.”
Alyssa Farah Griffin agreed with Haines, saying Koy was one of her favorite guests The view.
“I think he’s such a naturally nice person that it doesn’t come naturally to him to grill anymore, while Ricky Gervais just goes in and blows people away,” Griffin said, adding that Koy “as the process goes on, Night have better.”
Koy criticized his performance at the Golden Globes, saying it was “a tough room,” a “tough job” and a “tough, tough show.”
Attention The view Chat about Koy’s night at the Golden Globes in the video below.
Source: Deadline
Ashley Root is an author and celebrity journalist who writes for The Fashion Vibes. With a keen eye for all things celebrity, Ashley is always up-to-date on the latest gossip and trends in the world of entertainment.