Eye color says more about a person than words: everyone should take this test

Discovering character and temperament is actually very simple.

When you meet someone, it’s not always easy to ask them a question directly, especially if the topic is too sensitive. But as soon as you look into his eyes, everything becomes immediately clear.

It is not without reason that people participated in the Middle Ages green eyes We were afraid. Physiognomers believe that owners of this color see the hidden desires of others, so it is almost impossible to deceive them. Such people are also described as assertive and decisive; no obstacle will force them to deviate from the path.

Blue or blue the eyes reveal a romantic character. As a rule, their owners are volatile and capricious. They are easy to offend and will have to beg for forgiveness for more than a day.

Dark brown eyes speak of leadership. These representatives are used to getting the most out of life and sometimes go over their heads for the sake of a personal goal. But in relationships, they are often the most passionate lovers. Light brown eyes – about charm and coziness. For them, loneliness is hell.

Persons who inherited by nature gray tint, are considered emotional and friendly. They work hard and ask for almost nothing in return. At the same time, you may encounter coldness from their side, writes the Life portal. They often say about such people: “drills with an icy look.”

Photo source: Unsplash

Author: Nikolai Pirogov

Author: Anna Pavlova

Source: Popcorn News