
You wouldn’t wish it on your enemy: the life of the Eurovision Song Contest winner who left for the US turned into hell

You wouldn’t wish it on your enemy: the life of the Eurovision Song Contest winner who left for the US turned into hell

You wouldn’t wish it on your enemy: the life of the Eurovision Song Contest winner who left for the US turned into hell

The singer asked for help, but to no avail.

Alexander Rybak decided to make serious changes several years ago by moving to the USA, but everything did not go according to plan. The past year was the most difficult for the artist.

The Eurovision 2009 winner admitted he can no longer hide what is destroying his life. He is chased by a mentally ill girl who will do anything to see her idol.

For example, it is normal for a stalker to break into an artist’s home or spread rumors about him on social media. Several times she filed lawsuits against the singer just to see him in court. She regularly waits for him at his home, and the order doesn’t stop her at all.

According to the singer of the hit Fairytale, they previously worked together and were even friends, but nothing happened between them anymore.

“This is a mentally ill person and I was afraid she was going to hurt herself or someone else. But now that she started spreading rumors about me on TikTok, I don’t care anymore, I can’t keep calm.

This woman has been obsessed with me for over a year. Since I told her to “Please stop following me” in January, things have gotten a lot worse. I have more than eight thousand letters and messages from her on fake accounts.””, the musician wrote on his blog.

Photo source: Legion-Media

Author: Evgenia Bashinskaya

Source: Popcorn News

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