
Water is the main carrier of information in nature. What type of water is best to drink?

Dear reader, we present to you our beauty columnist Inessa Tsarkova.

Inessa is an active nutritionist, gastroenterologist, therapist, naturopath and aromatherapist, health coach, integrative medicine doctor with a holistic approach. And now he will share with us his knowledge in the field of both physical and mental health, nutrition and much more.

Today we will talk about water!

Inessa Tsarkova

“Water was given the magical power to become the water of life on earth,” wrote the great Leonardo da Vinci.

Dear readers, have you ever wondered why seeds can remain unchanged for a long time and begin to germinate as soon as they are filled with water? Where does this vital energy impulse come from? And why can plants and other living organisms look so different if they are watered or given water that has previously been exposed to various influences (electromagnetic, physical, chemical and even informational)?

It turns out that water has the so-called information phase state, in which it is able to record and transmit information.

Water molecules can be grouped into special structural elements called clusters. It was previously believed that these structures were not long-lived, but in 2002, Doctor of Biological Sciences Stanislav Zenin proved and defended his thesis in the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education). Russian Federation) on the topic: “The structured state of water as the basis of behavioral control and security of living systems.” In it, he scientifically proved that water is truly a keeper of information and has the ability to transfer this information to living systems. This is because water is a “hierarchy of ordered volumetric structures based on a crystal-like water quanta consisting of 57 molecules.” The amounts of water are fixed and interact with each other using free hydrogen bonds, resulting in the formation of hexagonal-shaped structures.

Thus, depending on the effects, various configurations of the quantum are formed, which is a kind of code in which information is recorded. If scientists managed to decipher this code, they would be able to “read” what information this or that water carries.

What influences might change and “rewrite” this information?

This can also be electromagnetic radiation from various sources (for example, from the sun or household appliances), sound vibrations (for example, from exposure to urban sounds of the city, music or sounds of nature), exposure to various substances dissolved in water.

It also turned out that water is able to capture information signals and change their properties even under the influence of people’s thoughts, emotions or prayers. As a matter of fact, the wave and frequency characteristics of the radiation they produce change depending on the positive or negative settings.

By freezing water, you can clean it from negative information and regulate its structure. When water penetrates the thickness of the earth with the minerals it contains, all non-ecological information disappears and resurfaces as natural resources. Therefore, it is very useful to drink melt and spring water.

From a high energy perspective, water (including what is already in our cells) can be purified through powerful emotional states such as true, deep, unconditional love and gratitude. That is why the impact of these emotions on the body, both from other people and from the person himself, is so positive.

What other properties can water have and how can they affect humans and their health?

The physical and chemical composition and properties of water may change as a result of electrolysis (passing electric current through water). As a result, you can get catholyte (alkaline water with a pH of 8), which is also called “living” water, and anolyte (acidic water with a pH of 3), which is called “dead”.

Approximately the same processes occur in water molecules in the air during a storm.

“Living” (alkaline) water has a negative charge and is a biostimulator and antioxidant. It can accelerate tissue regeneration and improve cell function. This type of water has another valuable property: high negative ORP (oxidation-reduction potential). This type of water has the ability to bind free radicals (damaging the membranes of our cells), as well as precipitate and remove harmful compounds from the body, including radionuclides. It can also enhance the effects of vitamins and various medicinal substances on the body. So, “living” water has a positive effect on our health: it improves processes in the body, restores the immune system and increases energy levels. Spring water and the natural water in fresh plants have the same properties. But unfortunately, when such water is stored, its healing abilities are quickly lost, as such an active system is an unstable structure.

“Dead” (acidic) water can also be helpful, as it is a bactericidal liquid. It has a large positive charge and an acidic pH (it is actually hydrogen peroxide). Due to its ability to prevent the proliferation of bacteria and the occurrence of biochemical reactions, such water can be used as an antiseptic, for example, to disinfect purulent wounds or fungal infections, as well as to reduce and curb inflammation. development of allergic reaction.

This type of active water was first obtained in the USSR in the 60s at the Tashkent Research Institute. A device for its production was also developed and patented by the famous inventor Dmitry Krotov.

Interestingly, during the experiments, when watered with “living” water, the seeds germinated better, the sprouts grew faster and looked stronger and livelier. Also, good results (slightly worse than “living” water) were obtained after watering with distilled water (this is almost completely pure water, without salt and impurities, obtained after treatment with a distiller).

And negative results were obtained after watering with “dead” water (tap water with a pH of 5 had a slightly better effect on the plants). Moreover, “dead” water was successfully used to disinfect the soil and seeds in case of damage by bacteria or fungi.

It is interesting that our body is designed in such a way that it can recognize and “read” information in the water entering it and change and adjust its internal processes based on the data received.

So, water is not only a structural component of our internal fluids and cells, but also has the ability to influence the course of all processes in our body, providing for this the definition of “instructions” encrypted in the structures of its clusters.

What type of water should you drink?

It is better not to drink tap water or water that has been stored in plastic bottles for a long time in a bright room.

Natural water from proven sources and artesian wells will have the best properties.

If you still use tap water, you should first clean it thoroughly, for example: using a reverse osmosis filter or placing it in a silver container; For information cleaning and reconstruction, it is recommended to freeze water in the refrigerator or (in winter) outside the window. This water should be thawed at room temperature and drunk within 24 hours. It has been scientifically proven that melt water improves metabolism and functional activity of cells, strengthens the immune system, helps get rid of chronic diseases and increases vitality.

Just before drinking, you can try saturating the water with oxygen by pouring it from one glass to another several times.

As a result, the oxygen that saturates the water is necessary for energy production and all redox reactions in our cells.

The content of negative ions in the water is important for better oxygen penetration into the cell. These ions activate oxygen molecules.

Our body feels fresh with this water and the air containing these water droplets. For example, air in a coniferous forest or after a storm, water from mountain streams or air near waterfalls. Therefore, it is very useful to go out to such places more often and have a hydrogen ionizer or Chizhevsky ionizer at home.

You can also improve the properties of the water by adding a drop of natural essential oil of pure therapeutic grade with food certification.

Another way to enrich water and improve its quality is to infuse medicinal herbs into water for 12 to 24 hours or add liquid chlorophyll (one teaspoon per glass).

To obtain a healing infusion, you can use whole flax grains (two tablespoons per 500 ml of filtered water) or oats (150 g for two liters), or you can prepare coral water or add chopped lemon to the water (this is enough for one lemon for 2 liters of water).

In such water, the ORP turns negative, the pH becomes more alkaline, it is saturated with essential minerals, which increases its antioxidant properties and increases cell penetration.

Remember that water has the ability to hear and remember; so don’t forget to say nice words to him with love and gratitude in your heart for everything he does to preserve life on our beautiful blue planet.

Source: People Talk

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