
Botox full face: What you need to know about the new popular rejuvenation method

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Previously, Botox was injected into certain parts of the face that needed correction (most often in the area between the eyebrows and forehead), but now we increasingly hear from cosmetologists two cherished words – full face. What is this new technique and should you trust it? We talked to an expert.

Andrey Gotmanov, dermatovenerologist, head of the cosmetology department of the Clinical Institute of Aesthetic Medicine in Zhukovka

Why did the full face technique become popular?

The popularity of this technique has been influenced by the increasing level of literacy among cosmetologists. Many are improving their knowledge of anatomy to better understand the structure of the facial and neck muscles. This leads to a better understanding of how facial expressions work in general. Previously, the drug was injected mainly into the upper third of the face (the area between the eyebrows, forehead and crow’s feet). And now with the help of botulinum toxin injections you can significantly correct the shape of your face and even improve the appearance of your neck. The important thing is to immobilize the depressor muscles (muscles that pull the oval of the face down) and give the lifter muscles (muscles that lift the corners of the mouth) a chance to do their job, that is, to give clarity to the contours of the face. . Botulinum toxin can also be used in the scalp area – this makes it possible to soften the muscles in the forehead without inhibiting facial expressions. In the nose area, the drug copes well with the so-called “rabbit” wrinkles, and with its help you can achieve a rejuvenating effect by slightly lifting the tip of the nose.

Are there any disadvantages to the procedure?

Botulinum toxin injections require absolute precision on the part of the doctor. Therefore, if you encounter an incompetent specialist, the promised effect may, unfortunately, be disappointing. It is very important to contact only qualified and reliable experts.

Who should have botox with the full face method?

Photo: “Unsplash”

The doctor needs to assess the state of the muscular system, the activity of facial expressions and understand how strong the work of the depressor muscles is. If the latter does not greatly affect the overall appearance of the face, there is little point in performing a full face procedure, as the patient will not be able to see the results as a result.

If there is a request for facial rejuvenation, creating a program consisting of various equipment and injection techniques is a good option. Work on the SMAS layer first, then try to strengthen the skin and remove wrinkles using RF. If necessary, carry out a course of plasma therapy or biorevitalization in between – this way the skin can recover faster and the results will appear earlier than the specified time. And the final touch may be the injection of botulinum toxin using the full face technique. The results of such studies will last at least six months, or even a year.

How often should the procedure be repeated?

The effects of botulinum toxin injections usually last for 3-4 months. But in many respects the effect of the toxin depends on the characteristics of the organism. For example, this metabolic rate is affected by gender, age and immune system characteristics.

At what age should you start doing this procedure?

The procedure is most suitable for those who want to get rid of the first signs of aging or delay their appearance. As a rule, these are patients aged 30-35 years.

Source: People Talk

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