
How to properly extinguish a scented candle?

How to properly extinguish a scented candle?

A still from the movie “Practical Magic”

The wick is secretly called the heart of the candle. Ultimately, it depends on him how long and quality of life he will live. Therefore, we have prepared a few rules on how to use a candle so that it lasts a long time.

Don’t extinguish the candle

This is the first and main rule that will help extend the life of not only the wick, but also the aroma of the candle. When the fire goes out, the wick continues to burn for a while and emits smoke and an unpleasant odor into the space. And soot penetrates into the wax and can spoil the purity of its aroma. To avoid this, extinguish the candle using a lid (usually included). It will block the access of oxygen and the fire will extinguish on its own.

Cut the wick

If the candle crackles and the wick is too hot or burning, this is a sign that it needs to be cut. To do this, extinguish the candle and cut off the blackened part of the wick with a special trimmer or ordinary scissors.

Watch the burning time of the candle

It is best to extinguish the candle after it has burned for 1-2 hours. Otherwise the wax will continue to melt, but when the temperature is too high the aroma will no longer be released as the aroma oils will stop releasing the aroma.

Source: People Talk

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