
15 answers to basic waxing questions

Frame from the movie “Death Proof”

This material is especially for those who are still looking for the perfect way to remove body hair. We learned everything you need to know about waxing from Gulnara Khachatryan, head hair removal coach of the Wax & Go network of world-class salons, and Natalia Safronova, the master of the Lycon brand.

Pros and cons of waxing


– It goes fast.

– It’s not too painful.

– No need for frequent procedures (for example, when shaving).

– Minimum contraindications.


Not suitable for people with a low pain threshold.

– For the next procedure, you need to grow hair.

– Contraindications include fresh tan, acne, the use of Roaccutane (just before the procedure or one year before) and oncology (with some exceptions).

candle types

Candles are divided into two main groups: hot (for sensitive areas) and strip (for large areas such as legs or arms). Within each group there are also sub-groups, so you can choose your vehicle according to your needs and tasks.

Do different waxes need different hair types?

It’s not required by default, but the option is there. This approach allows you to lower the pain threshold and perform the procedure more efficiently.

How often should the procedure be done?

Shot from the movie “Boy in a Girl”

Here everyone decides for himself, but the frequency of once a month is the most comfortable for both the master and the client. Approximate intervals between treatments, depending on the area: face and armpits – every 2-3 weeks, bikini and legs – every 4-5 weeks.

Does waxing have seasonality and recovery time?

Only home care is changing. In the cold season it should contain nourishing cream and scrub. Warm – moisturizing lotion and scrub. But still everything is very individual – the master recommends seasonal care based on the type of human skin.

There is no recovery period. There may be some reactions, such as redness, after the procedure, but it disappears within a few hours.

How to properly prepare for the procedure?

Recommendations for different areas will be different, so usually experts advise on the first visit. There are ground rules.

– A short length of hair should be extended so that the wax can adhere to the hair. For the armpits – from 1 mm, for the bikini area and legs – 2-3 mm.

– Use a scrub one day before leg epilation. Before interacting with the face, you need to skip at least three days from the moment of the last manipulation.

– Do not epilate after sunbathing.

I have blonde hair, would waxing work with this?

Wax works with all types and tones of hair.

What causes ingrown hairs and how can it be prevented?

A frame from the series “Sex and the City”

Ingrown can be from both shaving and epilation. But if you follow the recommendations for home care recommended by the master, they will not happen. The exception is customers who are prone to frequent inflammatory skin processes, but there are very few of them.

Ingrown hair is associated, among other things, with natural biological processes and trends. If the skin has a very dense stratum corneum, it can prevent hairs from breaking and growing upright. However, in addition to this, skin and hair injuries, improper shaving, hyperkeratosis, wearing synthetic or tight underwear, changes in hormonal levels cause ingrown hairs.

Beeswax and sugar: what’s the difference?

Sugar paste is applied against hair growth, waxing is done. Sugar is removed by growing, wax is against. Sugar ideally needs 4-5 mm in length. At the same time, not only shedding is felt, but also because the hairs are pulled in the application.

An important advantage of waxing is hygiene. The removed network applications are immediately sent to the trash. During the nap, a piece of sugar paste rolls over the skin, clogged with hairs and skin cells. That is why you can not work with sugar paste if there is inflammation or wound – you can bring or transmit infection.

If the pain threshold is low, it is better to resort to sugar – often waxing procedures are a little more painful than pulling.

Can waxing or sugar epilation be done with laser or photoepilation?

Laser specialists do not recommend doing this, but there are no contraindications. Such a combined approach has greater impact on the course of laser procedures.

Is there a wax used to remove facial hair?

Shot from the movie “Chick”

Yes. It is usually less traumatic and has more natural formulations.

Can hair be taken from moles?

No, you can’t. We cannot guarantee the safety of this manipulation. Moreover, traumatizing a mole can lead to its further growth, which negatively affects health.

Can wax remove hairs permanently?

This does not mean that no hair removal method removes hair permanently. Electrolysis gives such a guarantee, the laser also copes with this task quite well. But the waxing procedure is purely individual, so the specialist conducts a preliminary interview with each client. With regular procedures, the hair not only becomes thinner, but also thinner, balding areas appear.

What are the possible complications?

The high temperature of the wax can cause burns. Repelling is also possible – deeper skin removal. And there may be allergic reactions, so before applying the product you need to do a test.

Tips for those who decide to epilate with wax

Frame from the “White Lotus” series

– Do not shave against growth, do not use razor without foam and gel, do not use dull blades, do not epilate more than once a week.

– Apply a scrub the day before epilation, do a light peeling 2-3 days after the procedure, use a soothing cream.

– We also recommend a special gentle exfoliating fiber, body scrub (its job is to remove dead skin cells and loosen hairs), and an anti-ingrown facial and body treatment to help remove ingrown hairs. It helps to minimize blemishes and the discomfort of ingrown hairs.

Source: People Talk

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