
These three “essential” beauties would ultimately be of no interest, according to a cosmetic surgeon

Have you spent a fortune on a hyaluronic acid eye cream or serum? According to this doctor, you would have done better to offer yourself a towel warmer, much more useful…

If the wave of disinfluence ” which is currently overwhelming social networks such as Instagram and TikTok can make us smile (we have seen better than offering cheaper alternatives to luxury cosmetic products to combat excessive consumption), however it has a positive point, that of seeing certain professionals in the world of beauty participates and fires live ammunition at habits and products we thought were truly essential.

In a video already viewed over a million times on TikTok, US-based plastic surgeon Dr. Prem Tripathi advises us to stop buying three very specific products, and instead invest in a towel warmer or an anti- pilling razor that, for once, has real utility.


#greenscreen Skincare is powerful but 20-step routines can be expensive, put you at risk of irritation, and aren’t effective. Get the Golden Girls mug instead. #drpremtripathi #deinfluencing #hyaluronicacid

♬ His way (accelerated) – PARTYNEXTDOOR


#greenscreen Skincare is powerful but 20-step routines can be expensive, put you at risk of irritation, and aren’t effective. Get the Golden Girls mug instead. #drpremtripathi #deinfluencing #hyaluronicacid

♬ His way (accelerated) – PARTYNEXTDOOR

What are the three products considered useless by the cosmetic surgeon?

In less than a minute, Perm Tripathi has time to eliminate three product categories. And of course, not everyone might like his opinion!

The hyaluronic acid serum

The surgeon speaks clearly: You don’t need a hyaluronic acid serum “. For that ? Because most skin care creams already contain this active ingredient known to maintain good skin hydration. He continues his argument by stating that, in any case, ” most of these serums contain mostly propylene glycol and butylene glycol which help the actives penetrate, as well as glycerin, so you might as well just use glycerin [ndlr, en France, vous en trouverez chez certaines marques comme Arma-Zone, WAAM ou encore Centifolia] “.

Eye contour care

If the doctor wants to acknowledge that some eye contour treatments have interest, particularly those that contain retinol or another resurfacing active ingredient, he has little respect for the others, which he openly qualifies as ” fraud “, because of ” their way of making you pay dearly for a simple moisturizer that you would only use around the eyes “. And which, by the way, are sometimes responsible for the appearance of millium grains, hard but painless microcysts that must be extracted by a dermatologist if they are resistant to acids or retinol.

The lip mask

Last category to take its rank, the lip mask! A pure invention without interest, according to Perm Tripathi. ” Yes, lips need hydration, with a moisturizer and a product like Aquaphor [ndlr, qui contient comme ingrédient principal de la vaseline], but do they have to have their own mask? Surely not ! » says the surgeon.

Whether or not you agree with Perm Tripathi that these three very popular products are useless, it’s always good to look critically at everyone” essential that are presented to us, especially if we have never felt the need to use them before.

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Source: Madmoizelle

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