
"I don’t want to rotate them" : Claude Lelouch gives his cash opinion on plastic surgery practitioners

Director Claude Lelouch wanted to give an opinion on actresses who do plastic surgery.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023, Canal+ was on the air. You are beautiful Directed and written by Sophie Pagès at 11:10 p.m., this 70-minute documentary is dedicated to the difficulty of actresses finding a job after a certain age: 50, 45, and sometimes even after 40. If women over 50 represent 22% of the population, they represent only 7% of movie roles…! Among the testimonies we find especially Léa Drucker, Clotilde Courau and even Aure Atika. A director in the person of Claude Lelouch wanted to express his opinion about the plastic surgeries that some actors perform after a certain age to look younger.

Don’t go against nature. This is a war that no one can fight. Anyone who tried to cheat paid a heavy price for it.“, began to express before continuing: “I don’t want to rotate them. As soon as a woman comes face to face with the traffickers, I no longer touch her. I no longer touch them because we will no longer believe what they have to say. And the truth has all the virtues. When a woman shoots, she gives you her life, her wounds, everything.

For host Laurie Cholewa, the struggle of women in the film industry is still long. He took the 76th Cannes Film Festival as an example to support this idea. “We are pleased that there were six directors in the competition. But we don’t even need to mention it. Are we counting men? Subordinates, Harrison Ford turning into a new 80-year-old Indiana Jones is not cause for concern. Carrie Fisher, 59, while her body was attacked while filming Star Wars VII“Did he say?


Source: Programme Television

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