
Exclusive to Mail on Sunday readers: Explore RHS’s new garden with architect Tom Stuart-Smith –

Opening in May 2021, RHS Garden Bridgewater was one of the biggest projects in Europe. Covid, which placed 25,000 fabrics, mientras tanto, social remote controls on 154 acres.

Su diligencia en el Jardín de la Quinta meant more than 40,000 plants, including the opening of the Royal Horticultural Society, el sendero del lago, estuvieran listas para su renovada fecha de la primavera pasada.

As the worst results are expected, the most special of the most special days, the most memorable days of the world, an unforgettable uniéndose for the visionary of proyecto Tom Stewart-Smith, exclusive to a new nature tour. Tommy will guide him on travels de un recorrido exclusivo por el jardín, followed by charla y sesón de preguntas y respuestas.

Idílico: hermoso jardín paradisiaco en RHS Bridgewater, Salford

Our invitation is special

To work with Tom Stewart-Smith

To work with Tom Stewart-Smith

El arquitecto paisajista Tom Stewart-Smith designed the Jubilee Garden at Windsor Castle and the RHS Garden Bridgewater Master Plan in Salford, el proyecto de jardín nuevo más grande del Reino Unido, to celebrate the Jubileo de Oro de la Reina in 2002. .

Tommy says: “I’ve known an amazing money estar at RHS Garden Bridgewater for a while and he’s really friendly.

“Es un gran honor y un gran desafío contributes to este proyecto tan interesante.

También contaran con algunos de los mejores jardines del Noroeste, Trentam, que también cuenta con proyectos de la tribu, Dunham Mass y Taton Park, cuyos jardins have evolved over 200 years. You will visit the Jardín Botánico Ness en Wirral, which has its own weather station, and Arley Hall, where it was erigieron por primera vez un par de linderos cubiertos de hierba in 1846.

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Special Eventos with Tom Stewart-Smith: Tommy, here’s the gold medal garden for the Chelsea Flower Show, which will be accompanied by a record-breaking RHS Gardens Bridgewater, el plan que creó. También will provide an amorphous example of sus preguntas sobre jardinería.

Recent visits to the RHS Garden: The creation of the RHS Garden Bridgewater is one of the most important events in 215 years of RHS history and is primary jardín nuevo en case dos decadas. The centerpiece of the 11-acre Weston Wall Garden is one of Reino Unido’s largest gardens and 11 gardens, including the Garden of Eden, the Kitchen Garden, the Community Health Garden, and the Community Growth Garden.

Recorra la propiedad de Trentam: Comenzará el descanso visits jardines de Staffordshire, where his own Tom leader and modern renacimiento de los jardines italianos are located. Discover Piet Udolph y el lago Trentam, created by Capability Brown.

Descubre encantadores jardines: Straw lirios, first and jardins en terrazas con plantas trepadoras todo el año en los Jardines Botánicos de Ness y jardines de césped and agua en el verano. Dunham Masei placed the following conundrum of Stamford and Warrington in the old regime in 1856. Sir Joseph Paxton, el arquitecto of Crystal Palace, designed the look of Tattoo Park. You will complete El viaje with a visit to los hermosos jardines de Arley Hall.

It is included

  • Recorrido at RHS Garden Bridgewater with Tom Stewart-Smith.
  • Personal Recibo by the curator of RHS Garden Bridgewater.
  • Interview and interview with Tom Stewart-Smith.
  • Premier Collection of Queen en el Hotel Chester, Best Western, Chester.
  • Dos cenas y un té de la tarde.
  • Visits at Trentham Manor, Arley Hall, Dunham Massey, Tatton Park and Ness Botanical Gardens.
  • Entrenamiento comodo’s todo moment.
  • Services provided by Brightwater Holidays.

In the itinerary: Day 1 Recogida, luego propiedad de Trentem Diameter 2 RHS Garden Bridgewater with Jardín Botanico Ness, Tom Stewart-Smith 3 days Misa de Dunham, Taton Park 4 days Arley Hall, de vuelta at de recogida point

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Hundreds of: As of 95 795 *. Fechas: 24-27 July 2022.

Llame, 01334 441 880 Cotizacion de MOS Bridgewater. Visit para entender más mailtravel.co.uk/tomstuartsmith.

Terminos and conditions: * Precio basado en dos Acciones. Only one enchufe (£120 per person) is available. Sujeto is a dysponibilidad. Secuencia exacta de la ruta is subject to change according to local conditions and tour manager’s criteria. The most exclusive way of Mail Travel and valid for all selections. visits to conocer los términos and condiciones completos mailtravel.co.uk/tomstuartsmith.

Source: Daily Mail

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