
What aspects of the horoscope indicate intuition and abilities in magic, witchcraft and witchcraft?

What aspects of the horoscope indicate intuition and abilities in magic, witchcraft and witchcraft?

Many of us grew up watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Enchanted, so we’ve all fantasized about what powers we’d like to have at least once in our lives. How much could be done: help the innocent, punish the wicked, bring together loving hearts, heal mental and physical wounds!

Even in the high-tech world, we continue to look at magic and dream of being like superheroes. Mediums and magicians are sure that some abilities are handed down to us by inheritance, while others we must comprehend with our minds.

Astrologers believe that there is nothing easier than finding an answer by looking at a person’s natal chart. But from what signs in the horoscope can you learn about the existence of superpowers?

Astrologist Elena Barmina told especially for The Fashion Vibes which aspects in the horoscope indicate that a person develops his intuition, as well as magic and witchcraft abilities.

Astrologist Elena Barmina

What should you pay attention to when determining esoteric abilities in a person?

A still from the movie “Nosferatu”

Intuition and abilities in magic, witchcraft and witchcraft are one of the most mysterious and inexplicable phenomena in human life. They can manifest themselves in different ways, but most often they are associated with our inner sensations and intuition. One of the important factors that indicate the existence of intuition and abilities towards magic, witchcraft and witchcraft are the planets in certain signs and the celestial bodies at certain angles to each other.

It is also necessary to take into account the person’s personal qualities and life experience. If a person has rich life experience and knows how to analyze information, then he may have more developed intuition. However, it should be understood that these factors are not a guarantee of the existence of these abilities, they must be developed in order for talents and abilities to manifest themselves. Moreover, each person is unique and can manifest magical abilities in their own form.

Planet positions

1. The Moon governs the subconscious, emotions and intuition. A strong Moon in a sign (especially Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), in its own house or in exaltation, as well as harmonious aspects of the Moon (trines, sextiles) indicate high intuition and sensitivity.

2. Neptune is the planet of illusions, intuition, spirituality, esoteric and magical abilities. Strong Neptune (in Pisces, in your own house) can provide enhanced intuition, extrasensory abilities, and communication with the other world. However, the excess of Neptune can lead to deception and illusions.

3. Pluto is associated with transformation, powerful energy, magic, witchcraft and witchcraft abilities. Strong Pluto in the horoscope can indicate the ability to penetrate deeply into the essence of things and the ability to work with energies.

4. Uranus is responsible for surprises, inventions, insights and sometimes paranormal abilities. Strong Uranus in the natal chart, especially in conjunction with planets associated with intuition, can indicate lateral thinking and the ability to have intuitive insights.

5. The planets Moon, Neptune, Pluto and Uranus located in the 8th and 12th houses in the natal chart are associated with the subconscious, secrets, spirituality and the other world. They indicate developed intuition and a passion for secret knowledge.

6. Harmonious aspects of the planets Moon, Neptune, Pluto, Uranus (conjunctions, trines and sextiles) not only provide developed intuition and “magic abilities”, but also require work on yourself, personal knowledge and application.

How do the Moon, Neptune, Pluto and Uranus affect the intuition and witchcraft abilities of the zodiac signs?

A frame from the movie “The Master and Margarita”

Pay attention to the position of planets such as Moon, Neptune, Pluto, Uranus in the zodiac sign in the natal chart.

In Pisces and Cancer

These signs are often associated with deep intuitive abilities, sensitivity and empathy. This position gives you a strong sensitivity to the energy of others and the ability to capture information in high vibrations.

in Scorpio

This sign is known for its intuition and mystical abilities. This position of the planets allows one to feel things deeply and gives practical abilities in magic, witchcraft and witchcraft.

in Capricorn

Despite the pragmatic nature of this sign, planets located in Capricorn give the owner of the card good intuition, especially when it comes to career and financial matters.

in Aquarius

This sign is popular for its creative approach to traditional and magical knowledge. Planets in this position endow unique abilities for innovative ideas and concepts.

As we noted above, each person is unique, and the presence of intuitive abilities or interest in magic, witchcraft and witchcraft can manifest itself differently depending on the combination of all factors in the horoscope. Therefore, it is necessary to make a complete interpretation of the horoscope, to analyze not only individual indicators, but the entire natal chart.

Source: People Talk

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