How do protective planets affect zodiac signs?

How do protective planets affect zodiac signs?

Each sign has its own cosmic patron – a planet that significantly affects behavior and basic characteristics. The character of the “ward” depends on the energy that a particular celestial body has.

The most stubborn, determined and aggressive are the signs ruled by Mars and Saturn, while the softest and most harmonious are the signs ruled by Venus and the Moon. Also in the astrological cycle there are unique constellations that are influenced by several planets at once, leaving a corresponding imprint.

What power do the planets contain? What is the relationship between planets and human character? Why does the same planet affect different signs differently?

Astrologist Galina Yanko answered these questions exclusively for The Fashion Vibes. He talked about the subtleties of the interaction between protective planets and signs.

Galina Yanko, astrologer and clairvoyant

What kind of energy do planets contain?

A frame from the movie “Sleeping Beauty”

Anthem It is the most powerful and active planet that encourages persistent and desperate achievement of goals and the desire to take risks.

Venus It represents love, harmony, the desire for beauty and the desire to make money. The planet celebrates those who love to live tastefully and stylishly.

Saturn It encourages idea generation and diligence, but it turns its students into very strict and serious people who prioritize duty and responsibility above all else.

Sun It illuminates the path of the most charismatic, original and interesting personalities who infect others with positive energy.

Month It protects empathetic, creative individuals with a sensitive and subtle temperament. We celebrate artists, composers and performers.

Jupiter He becomes the “protector” of active, courageous and determined people with pronounced leadership qualities.

Uranus It is considered the planet of unusual ideas and unconventional thoughts. Inventors, explorers and scientists are born under his sign.

Neptune It is covered with mysticism and secrets that everyone can understand. The planet endows its wards with strong intuition and magical abilities: clairvoyance, the gift of deciphering dreams.

Pluto It is often underestimated, but this particular planet is a symbol of transformations and revolutions in society. Under his leadership there are always signs that contribute to the most decisive changes.

How do protective planets affect each sign?

A frame from the movie “Snow White and the Huntsman”

Aries Anthem

Mars endows the sign with a militant and determined character, leadership habits and the desire to achieve the set goals by all possible means. This is a symbol of active, strong and temperamental natures.

taurus Venus

The main quality that Venus gives to Taurus is emotionality. Representatives of this sign love to enjoy delicious food, luxurious clothes, intimacy with a partner and, of course, material wealth.

Twins Mercury

Mercury illuminates the path of intellectuals and entrepreneurs who are characterized by a sharp mind, flexible thinking, a desire for innovation and experimentation. Wards of the planet always turn out to be incredibly smart and dexterous individuals who achieve success in social activities.

Cancer Month

The Moon gives Cancer emotionality, sensitivity and intuition. First of all, this zodiac sign listens to its inner feelings and emotional impulses and only then remembers the logic.

Lion Sun

The sign ruled by the Sun is the center of the Universe, which skillfully and skillfully rules other people. Leos always become leaders and inspirers, warming everyone with their warmth and optimism.

Virgo Mercury

Although Virgo and Gemini may seem completely different from each other, they are ruled by the same planet Mercury. In fact, both signs are united by the desire to seek the truth and always be in a state of full readiness. Virgos also like to be one step ahead of others.

Scales Venus

Venus gives Libra sensuality, love of beauty and the desire to make life beautiful (for Taurus, these needs are more hidden). Wards of this planet turn out to be incredibly romantic people who attach great importance to the situation, gestures and the right environment.

Scorpion Mars and Pluto

Scorpios are representatives of a special sign because they have two ruling planets at once: Mars and Pluto. The first patron endows the sign with tremendous vitality and fearless disposition, while the second is inextricably linked with everything mysterious and mystical, revealing a special vision to the ward. The conjunction of Mars and Pluto often gives rise to true mediums, talented psychologists or very good researchers.

Spring Jupiter

Jupiter gives Sagittarius luck, optimism and a flexible disposition. It is no coincidence that this sign is considered the luckiest, most successful and active sign of the entire astrological cycle.

Goat Saturn

The planet personifies responsibility, duty and thirst for knowledge, characteristic of Capricorn. Sometimes they behave too cruelly and harshly not only towards others, but also towards themselves, which ultimately leads to problems and the accumulation of aggression.

Aquarius Uranus

The “revolutionaries” of Aquarius are endowed with their main qualities by Uranus, which proposes to destroy old foundations for the sake of the common good and great progress. This zodiac sign, which obeys the energy of its planet, also likes to oppose everyone and take an innovative approach.

Fish Jupiter and Neptune

Pisces is ruled by two planets, which makes it unique. The first is Jupiter, which gives positivity, sincerity and ease of communication. Secondly, Neptune is responsible for the mystical principles that are very developed in Pisces. As a result, this sign also has the chance to become a powerful medium or a guide to the supernatural world.

Source: People Talk

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