The world premiere of the second part of the animated movie “Moana” took place. On the first day of the show, the animation project earned $ 57 million (6.18 million rubles – edit a note.). These are some of the best box office results in history.
According to experts, Moana 2 has every chance to beat its rivals: Incredibles 2 ($ 71.2 million – 7.72 million rubles) and Inside Out 2 ($ 63.6 million – 6.9 million rubles), $ 175 million ( 18.9 billion rubles – Note ed.) over the weekend, Variety reported.
Let us remind you that the project will also reach Russian cinemas, but it is not yet known when this will happen. According to the plot of the second episode, Moana receives a mysterious message from her ancestors and goes to Oceania with Maui.
The film adaptation of the cartoon is also preparing to be released. The film stars Dwayne Johnson and Katherine Lagaia. Earlier, the actor talked about how he gained muscle mass for the shoot.
Source: People Talk
Errol Villanueva is an author and lifestyle journalist who writes for The Fashion Vibes. With a passion for exploring the latest trends in fashion, food, travel, and wellness, Errol’s articles are a must-read for anyone interested in living a stylish and fulfilling life.