
Peak of Perseid meteor shower on August 12: what events can zodiac signs expect?

Peak of Perseid meteor shower on August 12: what events can zodiac signs expect?

Very soon, Russians will experience an incredibly beautiful astronomical phenomenon: the Perseid meteor shower. It is so named because it is observed every year from the side of the Perseus constellation. Imagine that about 60 meteors will fly across the sky every hour! And of course, behind the Perseids will be a bright “tail” that will light up the sky. Moreover, the comet itself, releasing this stream of particles, approaches the Earth only once every 135 years.

During this period, unusual natural phenomena and anomalies occurred, which many ufologists consider signs of alien life. Astrology in most cases takes into account the influence of planets on people, so we decided to find out what events the Perseids promise on August 12.

Astrologer and tarot reader Katarina Shorokhova wrote a post specifically for The Fashion Vibes to find out how the fall of the stars will affect the zodiac signs.

Katarina Shorokhova, astrologer and tarot reader

What will the Perseids bring from an astrological perspective?

The Perseid meteor shower, also known as the meteor shower, is visible from Earth every year between July 17 and August 24 when the Earth passes through a cloud of dust particles from the Comet Swift-Tuttle. It is a very beautiful event and will reach its peak in 2024 on the night of August 12 when 100-150 meteors will fly by every hour. As you know, it is nice to make a wish when you see a shooting star, but you need time to make a wish before the star falls.

The period when the Earth passes through the Perseids has significant astrological significance – it is a good time to start something new. It is also a good time to express yourself – you can share your feelings, talk about important things, talk about your ideas.

What should the zodiac signs prepare for on August 12, when the starfall begins?

(March 21 – April 20)

Tarot card – 4 of swords

The Perseids are calling you to take a break. Now is not the time for active action. Rest, be alone with yourself, and then you can move on. Stargazing is a great way to slow down.

(April 21 – May 21)

Tarot card – 6 of cups

Maybe watching a star fall is a great reason to get together with your closest friends. It’s time to look back and remember what was important to you before. Maybe you’ve forgotten an important part of yourself?

(May 22 – June 21)

Tarot card – Ace of Wands

For you, the peak of the meteor shower is a period of maximum activity. You can do anything, everything is under your control. The main advice is not to spread yourself thinly, to direct all your efforts to the most important thing.

(June 22 – July 22)

Tarot Card – King of Swords

During the most beautiful starfall, many things will become clearer to you. Perhaps some situations will be illuminated. You may not be happy with what is happening now, but it is very important to keep your cool and not to hunch your shoulders. Make firm but conscious decisions.

(July 23 – August 21)

Tarot card – 5 of swords

You’ve been stressing yourself out a lot lately. The Perseid Current is a great time to let go of anything unnecessary. Sometimes you feel it’s important to be on the defensive in order to appear strong in the eyes of others. But is winning really that important to you? Be above pointless conflicts and showdowns.

(August 22 – September 23)

Tarot card – The Empress

Perseids want to remind you that it is important to take care of yourself, both physically and emotionally. Take time to go to the spa or the hammam. You can talk about your feelings, don’t hide everything that worries you from your loved ones. Remember that talking about a problem is the first step to solving it.

(September 24 – October 23)

Tarot Card – The Magician

You can do anything! Remember this. Do whatever you want, if you allocate your resources wisely, everything is under your control. If you make an effort yourself, the Perseids will help you achieve what you want. Do something important for yourself during this period.

(October 24 – November 22)

Tarot card – Page of Cups

Perseids want to remind you of the importance of feeling. When was the last time you laughed heartily at a joke or cried at a melodrama? Life is made up of small moments. There is also the possibility that under a shooting star someone will confess their feelings to you. Are you ready to open up?

(November 23 – December 22)

Tarot card – 8 Pentacles

Meteor shower will highlight some important possibilities for you. You will see your future path more clearly. The result is not as close as we would like. But it will be noticeable. A period of active work is coming!

(December 23 – January 20)

Tarot Card – Death

You want changes and they will come into your life with the Perseids. Pay attention to all the events that will take place on August 12, as well as the few days before and after. You may see some important signs for yourself.

(January 21 – February 19)

Tarot Card – King of Cups

The Perseids are telling you to just relax and enjoy! Great creative ideas can come from calm situations. If you are thinking about love, the stars will show you who to watch out for. Don’t be surprised if you are invited to watch the starfall together.

(February 20 – March 20)

Tarot card – The Last Judgement

The stars bring you important news; it is time to wake up from sleep. Something important is coming, you just have to open your eyes and watch what happens. Very little depends on you now, but if you follow your path you will be rewarded for it.

Source: People Talk

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