A lingerie model shared her helpful tips to help fans feel more confident in front of the camera lens.

Iskra Lawrence from Worchester posted a video on Instagram to show how much she still loves sexy photo shoots.

He pointed out a crucial thing: it’s about how you feel.

Model 34E wears green lace lingerie and poses on a bed, showing her wide cleavage as she says, “Try this on your knees.”

Then she changes to another dress, in a pretty candy pink, and crosses her legs in a comfortable position.

“I think you’re a goddess,” she said as she posed on the bed with her back to the camera.

Iskra used props to calm her nerves during a photo shoot.

Adds Iskra: “Play music that gives you power, it helps a lot to get you in the mood.

“Find some cute props, it can really help you if you feel uncomfortable or don’t know what to do in photos to play and play with a prop.

“I personally love a blanket or bedspread for lingerie sessions in bed or a good old-fashioned curtain or drape.”

The model told her fans that “there is no right or wrong way” to do a photo shoot.

He added: “Be yourself, focus on when you like it.”

His second advice is
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Viewers praised Iskra for his advice, with one commenting, “I found it very informative and it helped me design my work.”

“That’s it,” wrote a second, and a third added, “Oh my god who empowers the goddess.”

Victoria Brown, another lingerie model, had previously shared some of her advice on self-confidence.

He said: “You have to choose a color and a style that complements the shape of your body.

“There are so many different styles of lingerie available and it’s up to you to choose something you like and feel comfortable with.

“Personally I love to shop for lingerie and try out all the different styles, you should never feel guilty for getting you great lingerie.”

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