
Numbers don’t lie: how to find an approximation to a person by date of birth?

Each of us has a date of birth in which the unique code of our soul is encrypted. With the help of science xucai (psychology department, numerical science), you can learn about a person’s strengths and weaknesses, professional competencies, financial opportunities, relationship prospects and even health. In addition, it is possible to identify the causes of its suffering and collapse.

Having learned all this, we can find an approach to absolutely any person. But in order to obtain this information, it is necessary to find the vector of the direction of the egoism of the person we are interested in, which lies in the date of birth.

Especially for The Fashion Vibes, psychologist and xutsai practitioner Maxim Sapunov talked about the nine ego vectors available to help you find an approximation to a person by date of birth.

Maxim Sapunov, master of Shucai

for people born 1, 10, 19 And 28 numbers, the ego vector is for itself and for decision making. Such people believe that everything in this world belongs to them and revolves around innate leaders.

You need to communicate with them politely and in no case criticize, otherwise you can become their enemy. Such people need to be praised and approved for their actions, compliments. They like to be obeyed and agree with them. If these people do not get what they want or someone does not want to obey them, they instantly turn into aggression.

for people born 2, 11, 20 And 29 numbers, ego vector aim at the desire to understand a person or a situation. Such people try to understand everything and often ask questions, it is important to be heard and cannot be rushed. They themselves know how to listen to another person and understand from the inside, and therefore it is extremely important to give and receive their emotionality and affection.

for people born 3, 12, 21 And thirty numbers, ego vector are for analysis, fair management and care. They make good teachers and mentors, surrounding people with care and often with extreme control. His favorite phrase is “I know” and it’s no use arguing with him. They do not tolerate stupidity and injustice.

for people born 4, 13, 22 And 31 numbers, ego vector aims to find and achieve goals.

I have so many plans in my head that even 300 years is not enough to realize them all. They are 100% intuitive, very creative people, transformatives and innovators. Warriors for honesty and justice.

Integrity is extremely important to such people, and if you are honest with them and others, they will favor you.

Still from the movie: “The Da Vinci Code”

for people born 5, 14 And 23 numbers, the ego vector is for logic. These are businessmen who know exactly how to make a profit. Also, freedom is extremely important to them. The most sociable people easily find a common language with others, become the soul of the company. Punctuality, appearance, image and neatness are important for them. They are very touchy and vulnerable – so it’s important to keep track of their words and actions.

Be born 6, 15 And 24 The number vector ego is geared towards comfort, love, and sex. These are the diamonds of our society and its wisest people. They constantly need love and its tactile manifestation. They don’t represent how you can live without the buzz. Comfort is important to such people, and when it isn’t, they become overly emotional and vindictive. Show them love and attention to win their love.

Be born 7, 16 And 25 numbers, ego vector, aimed at recognizing their actions and the rapid implementation of ideas. These are born stars, they want to be bright and remarkable. Smart and sexy people. It is important for such people to appreciate, praise and notice all their efforts, otherwise they will act aggressively and abruptly.

Be born 8, 17 And 26 numbers, the ego vector aims to control the material world and its consequences. These are people who are constantly working, trying to earn as much as possible. It is important that they get efficiency and get results from any action. The most ambitious and demanding people.

Such a person cannot relax, his head works 24/7. He likes to have everything under control, specifically and to the point. He expects clear and quick answers to his questions.

Be born 9, 18 And 27 number vector aims to gain ego. Move mountains for a catchy idea. They have a fighting spirit, they are fast, athletic and dynamic. Action people. Slogans: I came, I saw, I conquered!

They try to help everyone, but are ruined by a lack of gratitude for their help. They do not tolerate injustice, they love to lose and they are very naive. Celebrate efforts to befriend such people more often.

Source: People Talk

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