
Autumn problems: why does acne become active after the holidays and during stressful periods?

Autumn problems: why does acne become active after the holidays and during stressful periods?

It seems that until recently, everything was fine – the skin reacted positively to summer sunbathing and began to look better than before. However, with the onset of more or less constant cold weather and additional stress, everything got worse, or even worse, than before. What’s the matter – says Pasikhat Magomedova.

Pasihat Magomedova, plastic surgeon, dermatovenereologist, founder of the COSMOPRO clinical network

Is the sun the enemy?

In 2003, scientists conducted a study and found that within four days of exposure to direct sunlight, the number of sebocytes (sebum-secreting cells) increased by 120-140%.

And yet, skin looks better after a week at the beach. But this process can be called a “time bomb”. After all, the inflammation has already been activated and is just waiting for the right moment. Why? Why? UV light dries out the skin. For the skin, this is stress. Therefore, for the purpose of cellular protection, there is a thickening of the stratum corneum, a superficial protector consisting of dead scales. To protect the skin from dehydration, the secretion of the sebaceous glands increases and the pores become more clogged. Sebum, sweat, and smoke are excellent conditions for infection to develop, as the pH of the skin changes.

Even a slight warming of the skin leads to a change in pH (acid-base balance) towards alkalinization (the norm is an acidic environment). And the alkaline environment is conducive to the development of acne bacteria.

That’s why patients would be more careful if they could actually see what’s going on inside the skin. And we chose SPF and home care with a dermatologist.

For this reason, we offer our patients free consultation at the Cosmopro Shop online store.

Common mistakes

Shot from the movie “Adult Surprise”

Sebum secretion increases in dehydrated skin, it is very shiny. At this stage, most error – they begin to use drying agents: alcohol lotions, clay masks, retinol products without medical supervision, etc. This does not improve the condition of the skin, but rather causes dermatosis – redness and active peeling. The skin must first be moisturized, gently exfoliated with professional products, and then proceed to “cleansing”.

Under the influence of the sun, the chemical composition of sebum also changes: it becomes denser and forms a plug at the mouth of the gland. And since the fungus grows unnoticed under the stratum corneum, remove it with home care. extremely difficult. The skin is already damaged by ultraviolet radiation, so independent actions are likely to leave an injury to the skin, and it will turn into a wound or stagnant spot, which is extremely difficult to remove even for a professional cosmetologist. Also, the infection spreads all over the face, forming foci of inflammation.

Appropriate Therapy

Shot from the movie “Charlie Wilson’s War”

COSMOPRO clinic specializes in acne treatment. We have successful experience even in the most difficult stages. Of course, each case is considered individually, but the basic principle is approximately as follows. First of all, digital 3D diagnostics, where the patient can literally look inside himself. Then the doctor performs various procedures that stop the inflammatory process: chemical peeling, combined deep author’s cleansing, plasma therapy, a special type of biorevitalization and hardware techniques.

I would especially like to highlight the latest generation of photorejuvenation – BBL Clear Lift. During the session, the skin is exposed to the light of different spectrums, each of which in its own way helps to fight acne. Blue – penetrates deep into the skin pores and kills pathogenic microbes. Yellow – removes redness and inflammatory reactions. Infrared rays stimulate the restoration and healing of tissues. These rays also create a rejuvenating and rejuvenating effect. Previous acne treatment and post-acne stretched for months. For example, the necessary laser resurfacing procedures had to stretch over time, so as not to thin the skin (unlike BBL, they cannot be performed one after the other) – patients lost motivation, confidence, doctors worried. With BBL, everything is different: the procedure does not cause discomfort, does not require anesthesia and rehabilitation.

Photo: Cosmopro

In any case, you need to remember: you can not cope with a dermatological disease on your own. Trust the professionals.

Source: People Talk

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