Irina Bolgar, the mother of Pavel Durov’s three children, published a new statement on a banned social network, in which she once again accused the founder of Telegram of all mortal sins.
According to him, the entrepreneur “abandoned his children and deprived them of financial support.” Irina claims that Durov himself stopped communicating with the children, showed aggressive behavior towards them, and stopped celebrating their birthdays in 2021.
He explained that the amount of alimony requested in the claim was calculated by Swiss family lawyers in accordance with Swiss laws since they reside in this country. The calculations are based on documented expenses on the care of children in recent years and cover their entire upbringing, including future educational expenses. “All Durov’s statements regarding this situation contradict common sense,” he finally added. Earlier, a representative of Pavel Durov commented on the situation of Irina Bolgar. We wrote more about this here.
Now Pavel Durov has a relationship with a girl named Yulia Vavilova. The couple does not hide their relationship. The entrepreneur had previously said that his girlfriend lost her child. He learned this from his lawyer only on the third day of his stay at the police station.
Source: People Talk
Mary Crossley is an author at “The Fashion Vibes”. She is a seasoned journalist who is dedicated to delivering the latest news to her readers. With a keen sense of what’s important, Mary covers a wide range of topics, from politics to lifestyle and everything in between.