What is Arab fishing, the white gaze or Islamic feminism? Definitions with the Jins podcast

What is Arab fishing, the white gaze or Islamic feminism?  Definitions with the Jins podcast

This Ramadan, we invite you to immerse yourself in the exciting world of intersectional feminism. Jins has invested this world in a podcast dedicated to the sexuality of Arabs and/or Muslims. We interviewed Jins, who helped us decipher concepts useful for deconstructing the stereotypes created by the overlap between racism, sexism and homophobia.

The podcast project is simple: let identities shine. Through discussions with his guests, Jins intends to do so “deconstruct stereotypes, to allow everyone to better build their identity, to better understand Islam and to better accept their sexuality”.

If Jins addresses daily issues in which many listeners, Arabs, North Africans, Muslims, but also allies, will recognize themselves, the podcast gives pride of place to the vocabulary of activists.

Jins agreed to give us an interview, in which he introduced us to the key words useful for laying the foundations of Islamic feminism.

What does it mean Arabian fishing ? Which is white gauze ? And the intersectional feminism ? And what does it mean in Arabic? “La Hchouma” ? Jins answered all these questions in this video.

Islamic feminism, intersectionality, Arab fishing…explanations by Jins Podcast

Our 3 favorite episodes to discover Jins

Jins already has two seasons and more than one hundred episodes. To help you orient yourself for a first approach, we have selected some of our favorite episodes.

Islamic feminism and republican feminism, with Éric Macé

“In this episode we will be particularly interested in the question the place of Islamic feminism in the current republican landscape. Is that it? French feminism is inclusive towards Muslim women? Is secular republican feminism universalist? »

An episode of conversation with the doctor of sociology specializing in cultural studies, Éric Macé. Thrilling.

Decolonizing bodies and minds, with Françoise Vergès

“The time has come for this situation to be put to an end in France systemic racism. It’s also about time that we understand what he could have built this oppressive state and institutional system towards racialized populations. One of the least tortuous paths to get there is to go back in time to improve yourself decolonize our minds and bodies today. »

A three-part episode, with political scientist Françoise Vergès, a specialist in slavery and colonial history, whose work we highly recommend A decolonial feminismpublished by La Fabrique.

Afrofeminisms and spirituality

“So were black spiritualities infinite. There are Catholics and Muslims, of course, but also all the syncretic religions, the evangelists, the marasca, the Ethiopian Jews, the voodoos, the animists… Except that the traditional indigenous religions were therefore immediately classified as ‘primitives’‘pagan’, ‘totemist’ or even ‘fetishist’…”

How does the relationship with belief, faith and traditions become a pretext for racism and sexism? Fania Noël, Christelle Murhula, Mame-Fatou Niang and Mélissa Laveaux deconstruct this unexpected feminism.

Discover BookClub, Madmoizelle’s show that questions society through books, in the company of those who make them.

Source: Madmoizelle

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