Today Valya Karnaval contacted Telegram subscribers and told how she could not notice the symptoms of the disease in time, because she had to agree to an unpleasant procedure because of its consequences.
“I literally spend one day in the car and two days in the infirmary. “I don’t know how to react to this anymore,” the blogger says. As it turned out, in December 2023, his fever rose to 39.6 degrees, he took antipyretics and tried to treat the cold with his own methods. He flew to Thailand just a few days later, but decided to get a CT scan on his return just in case.
It turned out that the girl had been suffering from pneumonia since December last year. He received some antibiotics, but when he came to the hospital to get a doctor’s report, a repeat CT scan showed that his health had deteriorated further. “I had a light injection yesterday. How do you like this vibe? “Pneumonia sucks,” she shared.
Source: People Talk
Mary Crossley is an author at “The Fashion Vibes”. She is a seasoned journalist who is dedicated to delivering the latest news to her readers. With a keen sense of what’s important, Mary covers a wide range of topics, from politics to lifestyle and everything in between.