Here is the book that will make your summer much more romantic

How to choose the novel to read this summer? Here are three unstoppable criteria illustrated by the ideal example” family of liars » available from Gallimard Jeunesse editions.

The summer season is fast approaching and you are probably already wondering which book will make you vibrate and resist the announced heat wave? to miss certainly found a novel that ticks all the book boxes to devour in the summer. This is the latest novel by the author E. Lockhart, family of liars available at Gallimard Jeunesse editions.

If you are one of passionate reading novels young adultknow that family of liars is the prequel to We liars#Booktok phenomenon with over 4 million views, it has sold 130,000 copies in France.

A novel accessible to all, which reserves nice surprises and immerses its readers in familiar emotions. A reading that often surprising for the subtlety of the words chosen to address heavy topics.

The universe of Liars by E. Lockhart is unknown to you? The author tells about the events that took place in several generations ofa perfect-looking upper-class family, the Sinclairs, who finds himself annually on a private island where dramas have unfolded… So why is this novel the perfect summer read? Put yourself in condition, try to imagine yourself barefoot in the hot sand, here’s the test for three.

“Family of liars” by E. Lockhart // Source: Éditions Gallimard Jeunesse

A fiction that comes out of his everyday life

The year was long, gray (but not rainy enough) and summer is usually the perfect time to cheer yourself up, change your habits and above all forget your worries. Need to log out? Choose a novel whose plot will make you forget everything! Embark in a universe different from yours, alongside characters with personalities different from the ones you meet in life.

family of liars, this is the story of the Sinclair family. The plot sails on a current trend that fascinates members of rich and well-to-do families on social media (hashtag old money AND oldmoney aesthetics looking like the two of them nearly 600,000 Instagram posts) as similar series Succession.

So unless you own a private island and spent high school in a boarding school, the CSP+++ universe can be as exotic as the fantasy from ignorance of the social codes that accompany it.

A novel whose plot takes place in the summer

Whether or not you have the opportunity to go on vacation, there is nothing better than a story that presents the entire lexical field of the summer season: heat, sun, temperature, light clothing, tanning, freedom, the beach… To convey its mind in summer mode, and maybe a little to live by proxy if the season does not prove to live up to your expectations.

The plot of family of liars check this box as well. It takes place over several months with ellipses of several years, but the twists and turns occur more often when the characters are on the private island Beachwood Island, Massachusetts.

Furthermore, family of liars it will make you experience another pleasure of the summer, namely the sweet tooth of the holidays. In the case of the novel, and not to do things halfway, it’s a triangular love. Because adding a little drama to romance is sometimes good for you!

Woman reading on the beach in summer // Source: PexelsAndrea Piacquadio

The novel, the longer, the better

Size matters when it comes to books, whether you’re an avid reader or not. the summer and the laziness that accompanies it generally leave time to select works that could not have been read the rest of the year due to lack of time. family of liars it has 352 pages and it is devoured!

If you have the opportunity to go for a change of scenery, it is better to choose one large volume than several small books. This is an obvious space saver, but so will you the pleasure of linking a book to a particular temporality. A few years later, you will have given an emotional, even sentimental value to your reading, which will have been that of your summer 2023.

So, in order not to do things by halves and add warmth to the scorching temperatures, I’m kicking the doors wide saying you’ll have a blast with family of liars ! A true turn the page which will take you into the intimacy of a “coated paper”-looking family and equally chilling secrets. A novel that you will be lucky enough to be able to obtain today from Gallimard Jeunesse editions.

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Source: Madmoizelle