A few minutes after the start of ‘Voy a passármelo bien’, we already have the first major musical number starring, in addition to Izan Fernández, the homonymous song by Hombres G. The title song of the new film by David Serrano was launched in 1989, the same year the first of the timelines is found. The other, set in the present day, tells how the protagonist group of friends has matured but, above all, how they combine both periods on the basis of the immortal music of the Madrid group. With them we had the opportunity to talk about nostalgia, music and, in general, how it was the gestation of ‘I’m going to have fun’.
Regarding the latter, David Summers, singer of the group and son of director Manuel Summers, tells us that he got involved right from the start: “We were involved in the whole creation phase from the first minute. Since before the script started being written, we were already talking to Enrique López Lavigne and David Serrano about what the film should be like.”. As happened to all of us, ‘I’m going to have fun’ suffered the effects of the pandemic: “It was a long process, it started four years ago, and what’s more the pandemic and confinement caught up with us. We had to stop and go back again, but there were many versions of the script, it has been retouched many times, everything was very rethought and He treated it with great care and effort. It was a tireless effort on David’s part. “.
The legendary group, which has countless songs that today have become an anthem for several generations, also explained how it was to build one of the strengths of every musical: the selection of songs. “David was very clear about the songs. He wanted them all to be from the 80s because most of the film is the kids part and that’s where the more musical part is. We had to pick the songs from that period, between 1984 and 1992 “says the singer. However, Summers admits he would have liked them to include themes from other decades: “It annoys us a little that very important songs have been left out. It was impossible, we didn’t have room to put on others, with the wide repertoire we have after so many years it was impossible to put them all on. A selection of the most significant was made. ‘I love you,’ Dos magnets’, ‘Sufre mamón’, ‘Venezia’ or ‘Marta has a pacemaker’, ‘If I’t have you’ … are very important songs in our career and there they are”.

The G Men also wanted to comment the possibility of an autobiographical film like ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, ‘Rocketman’ or the recent ‘Elvis’. The group revealed that there is no shortage of offers: “What happens is that, with the boom of the platform, there are several offers coming to us. One of them, and the first one we did, was ‘I’ll have fun’ stuff like that. It’s pretty obvious, keep in mind that we are a group. very well known and all producers have to create content and many of their ideas go through us. Surely we will do something similar to what you say “guitarist Rafael Muñoz Gutierrez revealed.
The ‘Stranger Things’ effect
With the fourth season of ‘Stranger Things’ we were able to verify that, as happened to Limahl and his ‘Never Ending Story’ in the previous season, the renewed fever for the groups that appear in the Netflix series has brought them on the hit lists for a long time. that has passed. On this occasion, the beneficiaries were Kate Bush with “Running Up That Hill” and Metallica with their “Master of Puppets”. The Madrid band talked about this phenomenon. “What happens is that with the boom in technology, music spreads in many ways. Before you could just buy a vinyl or a record, or turn on the radio, but now with video games and series … For me it is fantastic. People who make this kind of series that focus on younger audiences like “Stranger Things” and use settings and songs from the 70s and 80s have a lot of merit. For me, what they do is a very interesting cultural education. My little children get all of this and listen to great music “.
As with the fantastic Netflix series, ‘I’m going to have fun’ has a strong nostalgic component. However, the G Men are clear on how the film will connect with the younger generation: “I think the film will work well because it’s timeless. You can see it in 5 or 6 years and it gives you the same emotions, it’s a long-term film. We are sure that many children will enjoy the film and may not know our songs that well. I think it will reach a very wide age range, from children to people our age or even older. I think it will be great “Summers says.
Although the G-Men are a large part of the soul of the film, the members of the group do not appear on screen until the credits, where they are seen acting. A possible cameo was tested, but the group’s schedule is very tight. “We are constantly on tour. It was very complicated for us, we didn’t give that idea an option. But who knows, maybe in the next film we can do it”.
‘I’ll have fun’ arrives in Spanish cinemas August 12.
Source: E Cartelera