I just learned that the bructist had a budget of only $ 6 million and my mind was skipped!

I just learned that the bructist had a budget of only $ 6 million and my mind was skipped!

I just learned it The brutalist It was made for only $ 6 million and are seriously hit. It does not happen every day you see such an ambitious film, this area of ​​application, made such a limited budget.

What Brady Corbet Here is made here is a little miraculous. If there is one thing that Hollywood and producers should pay close attention, that’s.

Corbet initially told Thr that the film was made for “less than $ 10 million”, but the actual number, by expiry, is only $ 6 million. This is incredibly low for a film that covers four decades, was shot in Budapest and Tuscany and transports the type of cinematographic weight usually reserved for much larger productions.

This is crazy imrescence! Indian films generally adapt their viewing to adapt to financial constraints, but The brutalist refused to resize. Instead, it gives a film with a monumental atmosphere, an emotional depth and a beautiful level of craftsmanship.

The film challenges conventional wisdom that bigger stories require greater budgets. Of course, the fact that this happened came with a price, and not just monetary.

Corbet revealed that this level of budget -holding cinema meant years of unpaid manpower only to carry out the project. He explained:

“We cut every possible corner to make sure that every single penny was on the screen. It was a Herculean effort and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, because years of work it was only for years and essentially free of charge. “

Given all this, it makes sense the reason why Corbet has repeatedly described The brutalist Like “many things that everyone tells you that it is not allowed to do” in the cinema.

This film rewrites the book of rules on what low budget cinema can get and the industry should take note.

The film is now collecting prizes, winning the silver lion in Venice and positioning himself as an important contender of Oscar as he was appointed for the best film.

A24 has just collected it for $ 10 million and is currently in the rooms. You have to look at it if you haven’t already done it! It is an incredible film experience.

By Joey Gour
Source: Geek Tyrant

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